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北京十三陵英语导游词 篇1

Now you have come to Changping District, the outer suburb of Beijing. Whatyou are about to enter is the Ming Tombs scenic area. During this time, I willexplain the historical background and explanation of the Ming Tombs.

Zhu Di, the emperor of Yongle in Ming Dynasty, sent some geomantic warlocksto Beijing in 1407 to choose "auspicious soil", which is actually auspiciousland to build a mausoleum. At that time, these people looked for many places,but they were not successful. At first, they chose tujiaying, which was not intheir mouth. However, the emperor's surname was Zhu, who had the samepronunciation as pig, and made a taboo. Then I chose Yangshan mountain in thesouthwest of Changping, but there is a village called "langkouyu" behind it.Isn't that more dangerous? Later I chose Yanjiatai in the west of Beijing, whichhas the same pronunciation as "Yanjia", which is very unlucky. Finally, it wasnot until the seventh year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty that the present Tianshoumausoleum area was selected. There are Mangshan, Huyu, Longshan and Tianshoumountains around it. This is exactly the location of the four gods in the YinYang and five elements, that is, the East Green Dragon, the west white tiger,the South rosefinch, the North Xuanwu, and the Wenyu River. It is really ageomantic treasure land. From this we can see how much energy it took for theemperor to build a mausoleum for himself.

After that, the construction of Changling began, and it was finallycompleted after four years. The emperors of Ming dynasty built mausoleums hereone after another. Moreover, from the construction of Changling in 1409 to theend of Ming Dynasty in 1644, the construction of Ming Tombs never stopped. Inthis area of 40 square kilometers, 13 emperors, 23 queens, many concubines andprinces of the Ming Dynasty were buried. However, it did not survive completely.After the Qing soldiers entered the pass, in order to revenge the Jin people,they destroyed the ancestral Tomb of the Qing Taizu, so they burned it here.

Later, in the 50th year of Qianlong, in order to win over the Han people,they ordered to repair the mausoleum area. After the founding of the people'sRepublic of China, large-scale development was carried out here, and theChangling, Dingling and Zhaoling tombs were opened, among which the undergroundpalace of Dingling has been excavated. Now it has become a key scenic spot inChina, and is the most well preserved tomb group with the largest number ofemperors buried in the world.

Now you may be thinking: isn't there sixteen emperors in the Ming Dynasty?Why are there only thirteen emperors' mausoleums here? In fact, the reason isvery simple. Because Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, built hiscapital in Nanjing, his mausoleum is in Nanjing, that is, Ming Xiaoling; Jianwenemperor, the second emperor of Ming Dynasty, was seized the throne by Zhu Di,and his remains are unknown, so there is no mausoleum here; At the time ofYingzong, the seventh emperor of Ming Dynasty, he was once encouraged by WangZhen, a eunuch, to lead the army to fight personally. Later, he was captured bythe Wasi army at Tu Tu fort in Huailai, Hebei Province. This event is called"the change of Tu". A country can't be without a monarch, so his brother wascanonized as emperor Jingtai. Later, Yingzong's "change of seizing the throne"was staged, so there was no Jingtai in the Ming Tombs Emperor's mausoleum, hewas buried in the western suburbs of jinshankou as a prince. In this way,everyone must understand why it is called the Ming Tombs.

Now you can see this stone archway along the way, which is the symbol ofthe mausoleum area. It was made during the Jiajing period. The archway is 5rooms, 6 columns and 11 floors. It is 14 meters high and 28.86 meters wide. Itis the largest and most exquisite stone archway preserved in China. The patternsand decorations on it are also cloud dragon patterns, reflecting thecharacteristics of royal architecture.

Dagongmen is the main gate of the mausoleum area, also known as dahongmen.The gate is southward and has three holes. Inside the gate is the mausoleumarea. On both sides of the gate are inscriptions of "officials waiting todismount here", because at that time, it was stipulated that these people had towalk into the mausoleum area, otherwise they would be punished. Moreover, thisis also a forbidden area. It's not a place where ordinary people can enter atwill. The serious problem is that they have to be beheaded. When you enter thisgate, you will enter the Shinto that runs through the north and south of themausoleum and directly leads to the gate of Changling mausoleum. The Shinto ofthe Ming Dynasty is also the longest in the imperial mausoleum built in China.In fact, its main function is to let the emperor's soul pass through, with atotal length of 7 kilometers.

As we walk, we can see a stele Pavilion in front of us. This pavilion is abuilding with double eaves on the top of Xieshan mountain. Inside it is a hugetablet carrying a heavy burden. This is the tablet of praising virtue, a divineskill of Changling. It was officially established in 1435. On the front is thetablet of praising virtue written by Zhu gaochi, the eldest son of EmperorYongle, with more than 3000 words. On the back is the thirty rhymes of AI Mingmausoleum written in the 50th year of Qianlong, which records the damage of themausoleum in detail. On the east side of the monument is the cost of the Qinggovernment to repair the mausoleum, and on the west side is the reason for thecollapse of the Ming Dynasty in the ninth year of Jiaqing.

After the stele Pavilion, we continue to walk along the Shinto road. Wewill find that there are many stone carvings on both sides of the Shinto road.In fact, there are 36 stone carvings here, which are called stone carvings. Nextto the pavilion is two stone columns. Next, lions, elephants, camels, elephants,Kirin and horses. Each has four _, arranged in a sequence of lying down andstanding. Then there were four military officials, four civil officials and fourmeritorious officials. These buildings were built to reflect the emperor's honorguard before his death and his dignity after his death. So the volume is verylarge and the carving is very fine. And these also symbolize that the emperorcan be respected in his life, and also in his death. All the sacred, civil andmilitary officials should be respected for me.

Further on, you can see a Lingxing gate, also known as Longfeng gate, whichmeans Tianmen. In the middle of the three doors and six pillars, there are threeflame pearls, so it is also called flame archway.

In fact, we have been marching along the Shinto all the time. Let's review,first the stone archway, then the grand palace gate. Now we are going to enterChangling. Stele Pavilion, stone elephant life, after the dragon and Phoenixgate, there is still a long way to reach the Changling mausoleum gate. In fact,the central axis of the whole mausoleum group is the Shinto, which runs throughthe north and south of the mausoleum, with a total length of 7 kilometers.

As for the Changling mausoleum, it is the first mausoleum among the MingTombs. It was built in 1409 and completed in 1416. It is the joint Tomb ofEmperor Zhu Di and empress Xu of Yongle, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Diwas the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty. When ZhuYuanzhang died, Zhu Di sent troops from Beiping to capture Nanjing in the nameof Jingnan, and won the throne from Zhu Yunwen, the emperor at that time, andchanged his name to Yongle. This event was called the battle of Jingnan inhistory.

Zhu Di was a great emperor. After he became emperor, he still fought foryears in order to consolidate the rule of Ming Dynasty, and made a majordecision to move the capital to Beijing in 1420. During the Ming Dynasty underhis rule, the National Treasury was abundant and the political situation wasstable. He also ordered people to write Yongle Dadian, the largest book inChinese history. He sent Zheng He to the West seven times and developed friendlyrelations among countries. His wife, empress Xu Da, the daughter of Xu Da, thefounder of the Ming Dynasty, is also a woman with Chinese classical beauty. Sheonce wrote "neixun" and "Quanshan" to cultivate people's minds. She died afterfive years of illness. It is worth mentioning that the first person buried inChangling was not Zhu Di, but empress Xu. Changling covers an area of 10hectares. Its central axis consists of Lingen gate, Lingen hall, minglou,Baocheng and Baoding. There are three entrances to the mausoleum. The firstentrance is from the gate of the mausoleum to the gate of the mausoleum. You cansee a small stele Pavilion on both sides of the mausoleum. However, there wereno words on it at that time. Now the words are written by Emperor Shunzhi of theQing Dynasty.

Lingen hall is located in the second courtyard of the mausoleum. It wasbuilt in 1412 in the 14th year of Yongle of Ming Dynasty. It is the place wherememorial tablets and sacrificial activities are held. It is nine rooms wide andfive rooms deep. It is a building with double eaves and veranda. There are 60nanmu pillars in the hall, and the diameter of the four pillars in the middle ismore than one meter. It is the best nanmu hall in China. There was originally alarge Buddhist niche in Lingen hall, but now it is no longer there. Instead,there is a sitting statue of Emperor Yongle made by later generations. You cantake a look around the back of the statue. You can see that there is a dragoncarved on the back of the chair, and the dragon head is facing the head ofEmperor Wanli, which indicates that the emperor is the real dragon emperor. Allaround are exhibitions of unearthed cultural relics.

Behind the middle hall is the back hall. It is the largest hall in theunderground palace. It is 9.5 meters tall, 31 meters long and 9.1 meters wide.The ground is paved with polished mottled stones. In the back hall, there is acoffin bed with white stone edge. There is a long square hole in the center, andthe middle is filled with loess, which is the first shovel of loess whenchoosing the tomb. It is called Jinjing, which is the basic point of thearchitectural pattern of the whole mausoleum. Jade burial refers to placing jadearound and inside the coffin or in the mouth of the dead. The reason for this isthat the ancients believed that Jinjing could communicate with Yin and Yang andexchange life, while jade burial could keep the corpse from rotting. Jinjingjade burial was the highest level funeral in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Of course,these are the ideals of the ancients, without any scientific basis. On thecoffin bed are the coffins of Emperor Wanli and two empresses, as well as 26wooden boxes for funerary objects.

According to the rules of the emperor's mausoleum, the back hall is onlyused to place the emperor's coffins. Why do the two empresses' coffins alsoappear here? This phenomenon is not clearly recorded in the historicalmaterials, but according to experts' speculation: in the 48th year of Wanli,first empress Xiaoduan died, then Emperor Wanli died in July, and his son ZhuChangluo died 29 days after he ascended the throne In the case of Hongwan, twoemperors, a queen and empress Xiaojing were killed in this short hundred days,and they had to be moved and buried. Such a huge task was put on the Emperor ZhuYouxiao who had just ascended the throne, so the preparations were veryhasty.

Moreover, it was the rainy season at that time, so it was not convenient toopen the Queen's side hall, so the coffins of the emperor and queen enteredthrough the main door. But when I got to the underground palace, I found thatthe corridor of the side hall was too narrow for the Queen's coffin to enter, soI had to put them into the back hall. Now you can understand what the decorationof the coffin in the underground palace is like. Well, now please follow me outof the underground palace.

With the end of the visit to the Ming Tombs, our trip to the Ming Tombs iscoming to an end. I believe everyone will sigh for this huge imperial mausoleumgroup. With the continuous development of cultural relics protection in China,the state has invested a lot of money to repair the Ming Tombs, and this grandImperial Mausoleum will be preserved forever. At the same time, I also hope youcan leave a good impression on this place. You are welcome to visit again nexttime.

北京十三陵英语导游词 篇2

Dear friends, now I would like to introduce the Dingling mausoleum.Dingling mausoleum is the only mausoleum with underground palace opened amongthe Ming Tombs. It is the joint burial Mausoleum of the 13th emperor of MingDynasty Zhu Yijun and his two emperors Xiaoduan and Xiaojing. It is located infront of Dayu mountain of Tianshou mountain and was built in 1590 ad.

Zhu Yijun's year name is Wanli, which means to be emperor for 10000 years.Although it didn't come true, it also set a record for the Ming emperor, thatis, the emperor with the longest reign. Emperor Wanli succeeded to the throne atthe age of 10 and began to build his own mausoleum and underground palace at theage of 22. The whole project lasted six years and consumed more than 8 milliontaels of silver. During his 48 years in office, he almost ignored thegovernment, and was buried in the harem all day long. He was fond of drinkingand often killed people drunk. After his death, he was buried in Dingling.

Emperor Wanli had two empresses, empress Xiaoduan and empress Xiaojing.Empress Xiaojing was only a concubine when she died. According to theregulations of the Ming Dynasty, empress Xiaojing could not enter theunderground palace after her death, so she was buried in other places. After thecrown prince succeeded to the throne, he was granted the title of EmpressDowager Xiaojing. After the death of empress Xiaoduan and Emperor Wanli, empressXiaojing was moved to the underground palace. So there is a emperor and twoempresses buried in the underground palace. The underground palace of Dinglingwas opened in 1957, and more than 3000 cultural relics were unearthed, whichcaused a sensation all over the world.

At present, Dingling has become a national key scenic spot, a 4A scenicspot, and tourists from all over the world come to visit it every day.

The whole cemetery was originally composed of lingmen, Lingen men, Lingenhall, minglou, Baocheng, Baoding and the left and right side halls in front ofminglou. After nearly 500 years of life, the original Lingen gate and Lingenhall have been destroyed, only the base is left. Because the Ming tower ofDingling is made of stone and is not afraid of fire, it is still well preserved.Now let's take a look at the site of Lingen gate and Lingen hall.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now standing at the site of Lingen Hall ofDingling. Now we can see the column foundation of the hall. Lingen hall is amain hall for sacrifice. Originally, there were tablets for emperors and queensin the hall. The Lingen gate and the Lingen Hall of the Dingling mausoleum wereburned when the Qing soldiers entered the pass. Later, Emperor Qianlongrenovated the Ming Tombs in order to attract the Han people, but mostly reducedthe scale.

It is said that Qianlong used the method of stealing beams and replacingpillars to transport the original coarse timber of the Ming Tombs to the westernand Eastern tombs of the Qing Dynasty, and rebuilt the Ming Tombs with smalltimber. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the regulation. Up to now, there isstill a popular saying that "Qianlong, unjust, demolished the great tombs andchanged the small Ming Tombs".

The first exhibition room mainly displays the relics unearthed from theemperor's coffin, including posthumous treasures, posthumous volumes, goldencrowns, jade belts, gold and silver vessels, silk fabrics, etc. The secondexhibition room mainly displays the cultural relics unearthed from the coffinsof the two queens, including Phoenix crowns, headdresses, gemstones and otherdaily necessities used in life. Now you can visit it free of charge. Pleasedon't take photos or video in the exhibition room. Thank you for yourcooperation. We will gather in front of minglou in ten minutes.

北京十三陵英语导游词 篇3

The Ming Tombs are the tombs of the Ming emperors in China. They arelocated in Tianshou mountain at the foot of Yanshan Mountain in ChangpingDistrict, northwest suburb of Beijing. From May, 1409, the seventh year ofYongle, the Changling mausoleum was built here to the burial of Chongzhen, thelast emperor of Ming Dynasty, in Siling. During the 230 years, 13 emperormausoleums, seven concubines' tombs and one eunuch's tomb were builtsuccessively. Thirteen emperors, 23 queens, two princes, more than 30 concubinesand one eunuch were buried.

In Ming Dynasty, warlocks thought that it was a place of "Fengshui" and"auspicious soil". Therefore, it was selected as the "longevity area" for theconstruction of imperial mausoleum in Ming Dynasty. Gu Yanwu, a famous scholarin the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, once wrote a poem describingthe winning situation here: "the mountains come from the south, and the momentumis like a dragon flying; the East toe is located in Lulong, and the west ridgeis in Taihang; the rear Jiri sits in Huanghua (referring to Huanghua town), andthe front is facing Shenjing; in the middle is wannianzhai, which is calledkangjiazhuang; it can accommodate millions of people, and suddenly opensMingtang." This beautiful natural landscape was regarded as geomantic treasureland by feudal rulers.

The cemetery was built in 1409-1644, with a history of more than 300-500years. Covering an area of 40 square kilometers, the mausoleum is the largestmausoleum complex in China and even in the world, with the largest number ofmausoleums for emperors and empresses. In 20__, the Ming Tombs were listed inthe world heritage list. According to the evaluation of the World HeritageCommittee, the Royal mausoleums of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were carefullyselected according to the geomantic theory, and a large number of buildings wereskillfully placed underground. It is the product of human changing nature,embodies the traditional architectural and decorative ideas, and explains theworld outlook and power outlook of feudal China lasting for more than 5000years.

This article is from Zhimeng

The Ming Tombs are the general name of the royal tombs of the 13 emperorsafter the Ming Dynasty moved its capital to Beijing. There are Changling(Chengzu), Xianling (Renzong), jingling (Xuanzong), Yuling (Yingzong), Maoling(Xianzong), tailing (Xiaozong), Kangling (Wuzong), Yongling (Shizong), Zhaoling(muzong), Dingling (Shenzong), Qingling (Guangzong), Deling (Xizong) and Siling(Sizong), so they are called the Ming Tombs. The Ming Tombs are the tombs ofthirteen Ming emperors.

The Ming Dynasty experienced sixteen emperors. Why is it called the MingTombs? Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, built hiscapital in Nanjing and was buried in the sun of Zhongshan in Nanjing after hisdeath, which is called "Ming Xiaoling". The second Emperor Zhu Yunwen (emperorJianwen) sent troops to Nanjing in the name of "Jingnan" (relieving theemperor's distress) because of his uncle Zhu Di. Some people say that when amonk became a monk, his whereabouts are unknown (this is a pending case in MingDynasty History), so there is no mausoleum. Zhu Qiyu, the seventh emperor, wascaptured by Wala because of his brother emperor Yingzong, and became emperorunder the will of the Empress Dowager and ministers. Later Yingzong was putback. Under the planning of his confidants, he made a "change of seizing thedoor". Yingzong was restored and became emperor again. In the Ming Tombs (14pieces), Zhu Qiyu was killed. Yingzong refused to recognize him as the emperorand destroyed his mausoleum built in Tianshou mountain. As a "King", he wasburied in Yuquan mountain in the western suburb of Beijing.

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On the way to the Ming Tombs, you have to pass the West Pass of Changping.Naturally, you will see the bronze statue of Li Zicheng. It is said that thebronze statue was built in 1994 by famous sculptor Zhang Zhaoxu. It wasoriginally placed in xiaoyingkou, 10 kilometers away from Beijing's DeshengGate, where Li Zicheng marched into Beijing. Later, in order to build a highway,Li Zicheng's statue was moved to the west gate of Changping and placed at thegate of the Ming Tombs. Li Zicheng is a typical tragic figure. He rebelled for18 years and was in power for only 42 days. It will take one or two days toreally ascend the throne of the Dashun Dynasty. In his body, the most obviousembodiment of the cycle rate of "its prosperity is also vigorous, its death isalso sudden".

北京十三陵英语导游词 篇4






北京十三陵英语导游词 篇5

Dear friends

Hello everyone! With the start of the car, today's tourism activities willofficially start. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to accompany you tovisit the Ming Tombs.

The world famous Ming Tombs are located at the foot of Yanshan Mountain inChangping District of Beijing. In the surrounding area of 40 square kilometers,there are 13 emperors, 23 queens, many concubines, princesses, princesses andother maids buried in the Ming Dynasty. At this point, some friends who arefamiliar with Chinese history may have a question in their heart: there were 16emperors in the Ming Dynasty, why only 13 of them were buried here? To answerthis question, we need to recall the history of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, built the capitalin today's Nanjing and was buried in the "Ming Xiaoling" in Zhongshan, Nanjingafter his death. Because Prince Zhu Biao died early, he passed the throne to hiseldest grandson Zhu Yunwen. Yongle Emperor Zhu Di won the throne from his nephewZhu Yunwen. Zhu Di sent troops to the south in the name of removing treacherousofficials. Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunwen's whereabouts are unknown in thiscatastrophe. Some people say that the palace was burned to death at that time.Others say that they became monks. This is still a mystery in the history of theMing Dynasty, so there is no mausoleum. Zhu Qiyu, the seventh emperor of theMing Dynasty, became the emperor because his elder brother Yingzong Zhu Qizhenwas a prisoner in the "civil fortress change" and the palace could not bewithout a master for a day.

Later, Yingzong was released. Under the planning of his confidants,Yingzong carried out a "change of seizing the door", and became emperor again.After Zhu Qiyu died, Yingzong refused to recognize him as an emperor, destroyedthe mausoleum built by Zhu Qiyu in the Ming Tombs area, and buried him as a"Prince" in jinshankou, western suburb of Beijing. In this way, of the 16 Mingemperors, two were buried elsewhere, one was missing, and the other 13 wereburied here, so they are collectively referred to as "Ming Tombs". The MingTombs is a group of mausoleum buildings with the most complete preservation andburial of emperors in the world.

The Ming Tombs are built in a beautiful mountain area, about 50 kilometersaway from the capital, covering an area of about 40 square kilometers. The siteof the Ming Tombs was selected and built according to the principle of geomanticomen, because people in ancient China paid great attention to geomantic omenwhen they were building houses or mausoleums. The emperor is more pretentious,not only to live a luxurious life, but also want to continue to enjoy afterdeath, so the choice of mausoleum is very important.

When choosing the mausoleum site, it is necessary to choose a good placewith mountains and water, good natural environment and "gas accumulation wind".And the Ming Tombs is such a good place: the whole mausoleum area is surroundedby mountains in the East, West and North, and there are Dragon Mountain andTiger Mountain in the south, forming a natural gateway, which is in line withthe saying of "left Green Dragon and right white tiger" in geomantic omen. It islike a huge courtyard in the middle. The Wenyu River in the mausoleum areameanders from northwest to Southeast, forming the holding water in the mausoleumarea. In the whole mausoleum area, Changling is the key, the line betweenDagongmen and Changling is the central axis, and Tianshou mountain is theZhenshan in the north. It is an ideal mausoleum with mountains on its back,water on its surface and wind gathering in gas reservoirs.

The reason why Emperor Yongle chose the present Tianshou mountain was alsoafter many twists and turns. After the battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di became emperorin Nanjing. At that time, he decided to move his capital to Beijing in order toconsolidate his political power. In 1407, the fifth year of Yongle, Zhu Di'sempress Xu died. At that time, in order to express his determination to move thecapital to Beijing, Zhu Di sent the Minister of rites and geomantic warlock LiaoJunqing to Beijing to choose "auspicious soil". It is said that several placeshave been selected.

The first choice is tujiaying, but because the emperor's surname is Zhu,which is the same as "pig", and "Tu" means slaughtering, pigs will definitelydie when they enter the slaughterhouse, so it's not appropriate to committaboos. Another place is at the foot of the Yangshan mountain in the southwestof Changping. Pigs and sheep instinctively live in harmony, but there is avillage behind the mountain called "langeryu". It's more dangerous to havewolves beside pigs, and it can't be used. Later, he chose Yanjiatai in the westof Beijing, but "Yanjia" and "Yanjia" are homophonic, which is also unlucky.

Because the death of the ancient emperor, in addition to called "death",also called "Yan Jia". Although the landscape of Tanzhe Temple is good, it isdeep and narrow in the mountains, which is not conducive to the development offuture generations. Later came to today's Tianshou mountain. Tianshou mountainwas called Huangtu mountain at that time. After Emperor Yongle personallyinspected it, he felt very satisfied. At that time, he made an order todesignate Huangtu mountain as his "good soil for ten thousand years". This yearis also the year of his 50th birthday, so he named Huangtu mountain "Tianshoumountain". From the construction of Changling mausoleum in 1409, the seventhyear of Yongle, until Chongzhen, the last emperor of Ming Dynasty, was buried inSiling mausoleum, the construction of Ming Tombs lasted for more than 230years.

The Ming Tombs have a history of more than 300-500 years since it wasbuilt, and the buildings on the ground have been seriously damaged many times,the most serious of which was during the Qing army's entry period. So why didthe Qing army destroy the Ming Tombs on a large scale? Because at the end of theMing Dynasty, Nurhachi, the emperor Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, rose in thenortheast, which directly threatened the security of the Ming Dynasty.

As a result, some people say that the prosperity of the Qing soldiers isrelated to the geomantic omen of their ancestral graves. If their ancestralgraves are destroyed, the Qing soldiers can be eliminated. The ancestors ofManchu are Jin people, and the ancestral Tomb of Jin Dynasty is in Fangshan,Beijing. Zhu Youxiao, the Ming Dynasty's Apocalypse emperor, believed it. Asexpected, he sent people to Fangshan to destroy Jinling and built a Guanditemple in that town. Of course, this method could not suppress the Qing army. Asa result, after the Qing army entered the pass, they took the same means ofrevenge and destroyed the Ming Tombs. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong ofthe Qing Dynasty, in order to win over the Han people, Emperor Qianlong onceordered the Ming mausoleum to be repaired. However, in the period of theRepublic of China [around 1914], local tyrants and evil gentry destroyed theMing Tombs on a large scale in order to fight for property rights. It was notuntil after the founding of new China that we were able to see the true face ofLushan Mountain today after constant renovation and landscaping. Now the MingTombs have become a famous tourist attraction in China.

Dear friends, the above is the general situation of the Ming Tombs. Thepurpose is to give you a preliminary understanding of the Ming Tombs. I willintroduce the situation of the scenic spot to you in detail after arriving atthe scenic spot.

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北京十三陵英语导游词 篇7













北京十三陵英语导游词 篇8

The Ming Tombs are located at the foot of Tianshou mountain in ChangpingDistrict of Beijing. There are 13 Ming emperors buried here, so they are calledMing Tombs. From the seventh year of Yongle (1409) to the early year of Shunzhiin Qing Dynasty, the construction of Changling was 200 years. The Ming Tombssystem is completed with a large scale, which is the most complete mausoleumgroup in the world with many emperors buried. In 20__, the Ming Tombs werelisted in the "Century Heritage List" by UNESCO, becoming a must visit place forChinese and foreign tourists to Beijing.

There are sixteen emperors in the Ming Dynasty. Why is there only the MingTombs? That's because there are three emperors in the Ming Dynasty who are notburied here. One is the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the second Emperor ZhuYunwen, and the other is the king Tai Emperor Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Di, the thirdemperor of the Ming Dynasty, was the first to build a mausoleum in Beijing.

In July of the fifth year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1407), the empressXu of Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, died. Zhu Di ordered Zhao Dan,the Minister of rites, and Liao Junqing, a Jiangxi warlock, to build a mausoleumin Beijing. Finally, the area around louziying of kangjiazhuang in ChangpingDistrict today was selected as the site of the mausoleum and reported to theemperor. After Zhu Di personally inspected the site, he was very satisfied. Henamed the mountain "Tianshou mountain" and chose "auspicious day of the YellowRoad" to start the construction of the mausoleum.

From the seventh year of Yongle to the second year of Xuande (1409-1427),it took 18 years to complete the mausoleum. Empress Xu was buried first, andthen Zhu Di himself. Zhu Di named his mausoleum "Changling", which is the "firstmausoleum" of the Ming Tombs.

The follow-up decoration of Changling is not over. In the Jiajing period ofMing Dynasty, Zhu Houfu ordered to build the Shinto of Changling. Large stonearchways and stele towers on Shinto were built one after another. So it tookmore than 130 years for Changling to be built. The Shinto of the Changlingmausoleum was completed in turn with the mausoleums of the successive emperorsof the Ming Dynasty, and became the main Shinto of the Ming Tombs.

After the Qing Dynasty entered the GATT, it encountered great difficultiesin ruling the country, so the imperial court took many measures to ease thepeople's fierce resistance. For example, the postponement of shaving andchanging clothes, the restoration of imperial examination, the reuse of Hanofficials, and the management of Ming Dynasty mausoleum.

During the reign of Kangxi, every time Emperor Kangxi visited the south, hewould go to Nanjing's Xiaoling of Ming Dynasty to offer sacrifices to ZhuYuanzhang. He also went to the right side of the Shinto of Xiaoling of MingDynasty (the left side was the top in ancient times) to show his respect for ZhuYuanzhang, the founding emperor of Ming Dynasty. During the reign of Yongzheng,Emperor Yongzheng made a wish for his son to become his father, aiming to findthe direct descendants of the Ming emperor. When you find it, you'll be theofficial. During the reign of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong granted the descendantsof the Zhu royal family first-class yan'en marquis. In addition, the Qinggovernment set up a special envoy, namely eunuch guarding the mausoleum, to beresponsible for specific related matters. The tomb owners are responsible fortaking care of the cemetery buildings and the trees in the cemetery area.

During the period of the Republic of China, the last generation of yan'enMarquis was Zhu YuXun. Because of his laziness and self-discipline, thegovernment of the Republic of China removed him from all his duties related tothe custody of the mausoleum area, and from then on, yan'en Hou withdrew fromthe stage of history.

Now the Ming Tombs, under the protection and repair of the government, haverestored part of the landscape. The whole mausoleum is composed of thirteenmausoleums: Chang, Xian, Jing, Yu, Mao, Tai, Kang, Yong, Zhao, Ding, Qing, deand Si, which are arranged at the foot of Tianshou mountain. On the left isMangshan, which is a symbol of green dragon, and on the right is Huyu, which isa symbol of white tiger. In front of the mountain, there is a small stream,which forms a pool in the southeast. This is the famous Ming Tombs reservoir.There are also 23 queens, one imperial concubine, dozens of people who died inthe funeral palace, seven imperial concubine tombs and one eunuch tomb.

As tourist attractions, four of them are open to the outside world. Theyare Changling Shinto, Changling, Dingling and Zhaoling. I'm going to talk aboutChangling today.

The owner of Changling tomb is Zhu Di, the third emperor of Ming Dynastyand the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of Ming Dynasty. He was born in1360 and died in 1424.

Zhu Di's life was full of ups and downs. At the age of 11, he was grantedthe title of king of Yan. At the age of 17, he married Xu Da's eldest daughter,the Xu family. At the age of 21, he took office in Beiping (that is, Beijing)and became the highest chief executive of Beiping region, integrating military,political and power. At the age of 40, he fought in the name of "Jingnan" andtook Nanjing for four years. He won the throne from his nephew Zhu Yunwen andbecame the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di has been in power for 22 years. When he was in power, he wasdiligent in government affairs, concerned about the people and lived a simplelife.

The most outstanding achievements are as follows: first, he presided overthe compilation of Yongle canon; second, he sent Zheng He to the Western Ocean;third, he built four cultural relics and historic sites which are rated as"world cultural heritage" by modern people. (the Palace Museum, the temple ofheaven, the Ming Tombs, Wudang Mountain Taoist complex in Hubei Province).

Of course, Zhu Di's life has also been seen by today's less glorious deeds.For example, the establishment of the East Chamber secret service, the "Jingnancampaign" to usurp the throne, and the "Renwu martyrdom" to kill the courtiersin Zhu Yunwen's period left a bad impression of being violent and murderous.

Zhu Di is a "son of the horse". Because of martial arts, he gained fame;because of martial arts, he won the throne; because of martial arts, he expandedhis territory. But death, also died in the March. Zhu Di died in yumuchuan, nowin Duolun, Inner Mongolia, during his fifth personal expedition to Mobei. He was65 years old and buried in Changling.

Zhu Di is another brilliant emperor after the founding emperor ZhuYuanzhang of Ming Dynasty.

Changling, the mausoleum of Zhu Di, is located on the south side of themain peak of Tianshou mountain. It is the largest, longest built and most wellpreserved Mausoleum of the Ming Tombs. The layout features "front and backcircle". "Front" refers to a group of three entrance courtyards, and "backcircle" refers to Baoding, the tomb of Zhu Di.

In front of this three entrance courtyard, the first entrance to thecourtyard is the mausoleum gate, with a single eaves resting on the top of themountain. It is five rooms wide and three doors open in the middle. It is builton the platform. The first thing you can see in the courtyard is a stelePavilion. Other buildings were destroyed in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

The second gate to enter the courtyard is Juen gate. When you enter Juengate, you will see Juen hall.

The li'en Hall of Changling is covered with yellow glazed tiles, doubleeaves, veranda roof, 95 Bay, supported by 60 Phoebe pillars and covered with"gold bricks", covering an area of 1938 square meters. Such a large hall, butalso are the pillars of Phoebe, is rare in the domestic ancient architecture.Phoebe itself is very precious. The 32 gold pillars in the li'en Hall ofChangling are up to 12.58 meters in height and about 1 meter in diameter. Thefour in the middle are the thickest, with a diameter of 1.124 meters. They can'tclose each other. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty did not leave the standard for theofficial construction of ancient buildings. The JUEN Hall of Changling mausoleumhas become a rare object to study the official buildings in the early MingDynasty, but it is the only well preserved Juen hall in the Ming Tombs, which isvery worthy of tourists to visit.

After Li en hall, through the inner red gate, we came to the thirdcourtyard. First of all, you can see the Lingxing gate, and then you can see thestone confession case, on which there are stone five confessions. They are:incense burner in the middle, candlesticks on both sides, and incense bottles onboth sides. To the north of shiwugong is minglou.

Minglou is part of Houyuan, which refers to Zhu Di's mausoleum. It iscomposed of minglou, Fangcheng, Baocheng and Baoding (Baoshan). If you see sucha Ming tower in the Ming Tombs, it means that an emperor of the Ming Dynasty isburied behind it.

The Ming tower is built on the square city, with double eaves resting onthe top of the mountain. Inside the Ming tower is the "Shenghao stele". Thefirst part of the stele is engraved with "Daming" in seal characters, and thebody of the stele is engraved with "the mausoleum of emperor chengzuwen". Thepedestal under the body of the tablet is divided into four layers. The firstlayer is erlongxizhu, followed by Baiyun, mountains and sea water. "Shenghaostele" is equivalent to the tombstone in front of the mausoleum, indicating thatZhu Di was buried inside.

Behind minglou is Baocheng Baoding. Baoding, also known as Baoshan, isbuilt by hand rammed earth. Baoshan is surrounded by a ring of city walls, 7.3meters high, with crenels on it, and the circumference is 1 km. It is calledBaocheng. Below the mountain is the underground palace. But the undergroundpalace of Changling was not opened. The only underground palace opened in theMing Tombs was Dingling, the tomb of Zhu Yijun.

It turns out that in the early Ming Dynasty, there was a system ofsacrificial burial after the death of the emperor, which was called the systemof sacrificial burial. Originated in the primitive society, slaves were buriedwith a large number of slaves and livestock. After the death of Zhu Yuanzhang,the emperor of Ming Dynasty, this brutal system of human sacrifice was carriedout. When Zhu Yuanzhang died, 38 people were buried; Zhu Di buried 16 people;Zhu gaochi buried 5 people; Zhu Zhanji buried 10 people. The palace maids orconcubines who were buried with the emperor were granted the title of "Chaotianfemale household" by the emperor. It was not until Zhuqi Town, Yingzong of MingDynasty, that the system of martyrdom was abolished.

Yingzong Zhuqi town is fatuous and incompetent. After being a prisoner andlosing the throne, he was released by the enemy and returned to Beijing. Withthe help of eunuchs, he used stratagem to become emperor again. There are twoyears, one is orthodox and the other is Tianshun. He was definitely not a goodemperor in the history of Ming Dynasty, but he abolished the system of humansacrifice, which was a good thing in his lifetime.

However, it is not known where the maids were buried in the Ming Tombs, andit still needs to be researched by later generations.

OK, I'll introduce you to the Ming Tombs.

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现在大家已经来到了北京的远郊昌平区,那即将进入的就是十三陵景区。利用这段时间,我来给大家讲解一下十三陵的历史背景和说明。 明朝永乐皇帝朱棣在1420xx年派了一些风水术士到北京选择“吉壤”,其实就是吉祥的土地,准备修建陵寝。当时这些人找了很多地方,但是都不成功,开始他们选在了口外的屠家营,可是皇帝姓朱,与猪同音,犯了地讳。然后又选在了昌平西南的羊山脚下,可是后面有个村子叫“狼口峪”,这样岂不是更危险!后来选过京西的“燕家台”,有与“宴驾”同音,太不吉利了。最后直到明永乐七年,才选定了现在的这片天寿山陵区,在周围有蟒山,虎峪,龙山和天寿山。这里正符合了阴阳五行中四方之神的所在位置,就是东青龙,西白虎,南朱雀,北玄武,还有温榆河经过这里,真可以说是风水宝地。从此可见当时皇帝要为自己修建一个陵寝要耗费多少精力啊。随后,就开始修建了长陵,经过四年终于竣工了。那明朝历代的皇帝,也陆续在这里修建了陵寝。而且从1409修建长陵一直到1644年明王朝灭亡,这200多年间,明十三陵的营建工程从来没有间断过。在这方圆40平方公里的范围,埋葬了明代十三位皇帝,二十三位皇后,还有许多的妃子,太子等等。可是这里也没能够完整的保留下来,在清兵入关以后,为了报复金人将清太祖的祖坟毁掉,所以就将这里烧了。后来在乾隆五十年的时候,为了笼络汉人,就下令修缮陵区。在新中国成立以后,对这里进行了大规模的开发,并且开放了的长陵、定陵和昭陵,其中定陵的地宫已经被发掘了。现在这里已经成为了全国重点风景名胜区,是世界上保存完整、埋葬皇帝最多的墓葬群。现在大家可能在想:明朝不是有十六个皇帝么?怎么在这里只有十三个皇帝的陵寝?其实原因很简单,明太祖朱元璋因为建都南京,所以他的陵墓当然就在南京啦,也就是明孝陵;而明朝第二个皇帝建文帝,因为被朱棣夺取了皇位,尸骨下落不明,所以这里就没有他的陵墓;在明朝第七代皇帝英宗的时候,他曾经被宦官王振怂恿,率军亲征,后来在河北怀来的土木堡被瓦刺军俘虏,这个事件称为“土木之变”,一国不能无君,所以他的兄弟就被册封为景泰帝,而后又上演了英宗重新夺取皇位的“夺门之变”,所以在十三陵中没有景泰帝的陵墓,他以亲王的礼节被安葬在西郊的金山口。这样一来,大家一定都明白了为什么这里叫做十三陵了。

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明永乐五年(1407)朱棣的皇后徐氏去世。朱棣命礼部、工部及术士风鉴先生等人,在北京郊区寻找"吉壤"。先后曾指定潭柘寺、燕家台、屠家营等处,朱棣均不满意。后来江西术士廖均卿说,昌平北有吉壤,可做万年寿域,名黄土山,山前有龙、虎二山,形成一个小平原。朱棣视察后很满意,决定在此建造皇陵,改黄土山为天寿山。永乐七年(1409)正式建陵,到永乐十一年竣工,即长陵。明代历朝(除景泰帝外)皇帝陆续在此建陵。 明制规定,陵墓每年大祭三次(清明、中元、冬至),小祭四次(正旦、孟冬、生辰、逝日)。每次谒陵耗费巨大。十三陵地面上建筑曾几度遭到破坏,最严重的一次是清兵入关。明末清太祖崛起于东北,威胁明朝安全。有人说清兵之所以强盛与他的祖坟风水有关。他们(金人)的祖坟在房山,如捣毁,清兵即灭。天启皇帝于天启二年(1622)派人毁房山金陵,并建关帝庙镇之。清兵入关后,采取同样的报复手段,破坏了明陵。清乾隆五十年,为了拢络汉人,曾下令修缮明陵。民国时期,1920xx年左右,当地豪绅争夺产权,明陵又遭破坏。













棂星门俗称龙凤门,在此处有"天门"之意,门三道之间有短垣相隔。6根门柱形似华表,三门额坊中央雕有石刻火焰珠,故当地人又称其为火焰牌坊。 棂星门北有7孔汉白玉神桥一座,通往长陵陵门。

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