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英语读书报告 篇1


Heidi is a cute and kindhearted girl。She lives in the mountain of Switzerland,and has no mother or father。One sunny day,she goes to stay with her grandfather in his little wooden house,high up in the mountain。She soon has a friend——goat-Peter。She makes Alm-Opa no longer lonely。One day,Heidi’s aunt takes her to Miss Rohmer’s house to be a servant。Later she helps Clara to stand up from the wheel chair,and can even walk more!

如何写英语读书报告 篇2



1、扎实开展“大接访”活动。 今年以来,我局把大接访活动作为一次总结经验、接受群众监督、检验工作的好机会,加强领导,强化措施,狠抓对上访案件的源头治理。一是设立信访接待室,公开接访电话、接访人员和接访制度,定期公布信访案件处理进展情况,踊跃接受群众监督。二是坚持周五领导信访接待日制度、首问责任制和“148”法律服务专线24小时值班制度,强化责任,拓展接访渠道。三是积极参与涉法涉诉案件调处,引导群众依法开展信访活动。针对我县今年年土地纠纷多的实际,我局加强与信访等部门的配合,抽调政治素质好,政策水平高、法律专业精的律师、公证员、法律工作者积极参与解决影响稳定的重大疑难纠纷,变群众“上访”为法律工作者“下访”,通过诉讼和非诉讼代理、法律咨询等方式,为群众提供法律服务,妥善处理了一些市、县挂牌督办的疑难纠纷和案件。先后参与并成功调处了纠纷,土地征用纠纷,纠纷等重大疑难纠纷9起;依法引导纠纷,土地纠纷中的部分上访群众通过诉讼程序解决问题,为全县社会稳定做出了积极贡献。




5、拓展业务领域,扎实搞好法律服务工作。法律服务工作坚持以服务与诚信为主题,紧紧围绕县委政府工作大局,不断拓展业务领域,规范服务行为,提高服务质量,为全县经济发展及各项重点工作提供了优质高效的法律服务。律师事务所、法律援助中心、法律服务所共办理各类案件件,其中民事案件件(援助案件 x件),刑事x 件,行政案件x件,担任法律顾问家。公证处共办理各类公证件,其中经济类件,民事类件,法律服务满意率达%。围绕社会主义新农村建设提供法律服务。切实强化为“三农”服务的意识,引导律师、公证人员和基层法律服务人员努力为农村经济发展、农民增收服务。充分发挥乡镇法律服务工作者便民利民的优势,开展“法律服务进社区、进农户”活动,开展法制宣传教育场次,为农民办理借款合同公证件,办理《合同》公证件,服务工作涉及全县5个乡镇,多个村社,推动生产发展、生活富裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主的社会主义新农村建设。




























英语读书报告格式 篇3

This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”。 I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully.

The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up. Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already.

When I read “ the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place... ” When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance. Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly. We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.

When I read “ the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static static floats on the water surface... ” When, my heart also liked together the big stone falls. I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above. Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success. We also must study senior fisherman's spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully.

Was reading the big fish's smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person's left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick, the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish. But the big fish's meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand “ this work time actually was resting ” time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit. In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating.

Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish's hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non- was more common than.

The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way. Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.

英语读书报告 篇4

The lousy driftage of strand of record 》

I like to read the adventure novel specially, among them leaving for me impressive would be 《 the lousy driftage of strand of record 》 。

A body of strand of is at a middle clafamily in England.The ages of the youth, he leaves the house then and personally, going to overseas to go to risky.An on the water die in an accident, he drifts an islet of smoke with unmanned 荒 alone.Start to be very pessimism, afterwards for the sake of existence, he moved to come the clothes, fresh water, food break on the boat, tool etc., started the new life.He plants the corn, raising and train the goat, obtaining the enough thing.After some years, it is a flock of to arrive this undertaking pedestrian meat 宴 , he saved a savage country people, going to a" Friday" for him.Henceforth,50% of week the friend and the servant that he is faithful.After island up live for 28 years, they take one road to was return to by the British ship of the waste island England.

At the beginning when I read this book through, were is lousy by the strand of he presumes the adventure, the diligent enterprising spirit shocked.He drifts the waste island, not only have no pessimism disappointment, but also ma-ki-ng use of the condition on the island, plant, raise and train, the paradise that ma-ki-ng waste island become can exist freely.We can also see he is a mind and body health, diligent enterprising he- the desolate isolated island, he want to be a person alone with the rains and winds thunder and lightning physical fight with the mosquito wild beast physical fight.The threat that he still needs to face to die, the hardships of the existence.Can his end spirit have no 垮 , but optimistically living bottom go to, use own hands creation life, create tomorrow.Aside the person see, the all these is how not easy, ma-ki-ng person admire how.

《 The lousy driftage of strand of lu record 》 stay the reality that woulds be it for my another impression concrete.In regard to take that detail of the lousy shipbuilding of strand of lu 。The author hand over the strand of lu whole proceand its details of the lousy shipbuilding to treat clear.Big arrive each step, from the lumbering, chop down to the root, pare off the ship form, dig the inner part to wait in vain, small to each detail, say some size, action, times for example, etc.。See such sentence." Close to again the root, its diameter is five Chinese foots of one inches, at 22 Chinese foots of bitter ends, its diameter is four Chinese foots of one inches, then slice slowly under go to, be divided into some sons.My fee numerous physical labor, just chop down this tree, I spend the time for 22 days, just chopping down its root.The …… " be like such sentence plenty more.Exactly these sentence, delineate a clear appearance, let the person feel the reality, become intimate with.

《 The lousy driftage of strand of lu record 》 the most attractive place is host Mr. is breathtaking, unusual, true personal career, but its deep attraction is the standing alone feeling of the common and existent mankind indeed in reader's heart output total 鸣 。We can find out own shadow in this book, hence, we had no reason not to like this book.

英语读书报告 篇5


姓 名

学 号

专 业 班 级


年 月 日



2、阅读目标:jane eyre;





英语读书报告 篇6

Reading and writing are the process of drawing and inputting,while the other is the process of releasing and outputting. Read a book,after the author and a soulful dialogue,through the way of writing to record their own reading,municate and exchange with the author and more people to sort out their own thinking,is a matter of great significance.

To write a good book,you must first read a Book carefully.

If you do not read carefully and do not read through the whole work,it is very difficult to grasp the authors writing intention and the subtleties of the work as a whole.

Mr. Zhao Lihong is a famous writer,has many works in Chinese textbooks,in the field of education and the munity have high visibility. For the sake of the same party,I had the honor of meeting him and receiving the books he gave to me from time to time. I cant live up to his kindness,Gesanchaiwu will read his book,write a book after reading notes. Think of yourself as a physics teacher,both literary conception and teacher Zhao still have a big gap,so write after reading notes put it in my blog,did not have the nerve to tell him. By chance,Mr. Zhao Lihong from the network search to my writing,very surprised,for my science teacher has given many awards,and mentioned on several occasions,so we are concerned about what I write.

Miss Zhao is love I write these,a very important reason is that I read his works,generally read what he wants,and the text will I understand that out,carried out a series of good munication and dialogue with him. We often say,without investigation,there is no right to speak,this sentence is used in reading is also interlinked,and did not seriously read a book,it is impossible to write more appropriate reading notes.

Reading notes there are three main forms: reading notes and book reviews,respectively.

A book review is often a judgment of the value of a book. To say this book merits or defects,which is a sort of author of values,but also readers will interact with their own value judgment and the authors point of view,to find the meeting point of the process. Relatively speaking,book readers need to have their own certain reading horizons,read some of the same type of books,the author and his writing intention have a certain understanding,can stand on a higher level to look at this book.

The book has three basic functions: one is to introduce the content of this book to other potential readers,arouse their interest in reading; two is the type of this book defines,let everyone understand that this is a kind of work; three is the introduction. Introduce some of the deepest feelings in your book and guide others to pay attention to the relevant content while reading.

In terms of the types of book reviews,it can be generalized into the following three types: one is the introduction of nature books. This kind of book reviews are usually relatively short,and make a brief introduction to the basic situation of the book so that people can understand the basic information and core content of the book. Two,the book reviews of the evaluation category. For example,a novel,the first to introduce the story of the work,and then its characteristics,highlights,the main style,such as a summary,which will also involve some of the defects in the works of evaluation. The three is academic book reviews. On the basis of the above two kinds of book reviews,the author makes a further study from the theoretical point of view,and judges the value of the works from the perspectives of academic thought and academic status. This requires the author of the book review to have a solid academic foundation.

In parison,the writing is free. If the target audience is peoples intention of writing is to remend a book to others,attracting everyone up and read the words on the target audience is itself,is in the process of reading a book in some aspects,especially feelings,then there is a sense of hair. It was not necessary to judge the value of the whole book,as long as there is a feeling in some ways,you can feel,write their own experiences to.

If the basic function is the review content introduction,definition and types of works of reading,reading is the basic function of recording experience,elaborated understanding,seeking meaning. The process of reading,there is always some place to touch their own,while reading their own feelings and experiences recorded,the first step is to write the book. We often have experiences like this: a good idea in the reading process,because it is not recorded in time,and will not be returned after a few days. It is important to keep track of new feelings in a timely manner. After reading the whole work and go back to record these feelings,will find some can be bined together to illustrate a point from different angles,help yourself to further understand the work; if we can find a few points,will further highlight the significance of the work.

It is not necessary. A book,if there is a section of special interest to you,you can e out from this section,expound their own opinions and ideas; you can also take the book with his own interest and occupation related content is extracted,the content about their feelings,but not with to other areas. Of course,you can also ment on the whole book and express your views and opinions. It is more emphasis on theory and practice,so that works with their life closely,Notes are also a mon type of reading notes. In reading,to a certain words more interested in,and will record it,and acpanied by one or two words of their own feelings and experience,these contents accumulated,is the notes.

Compared with book reviews,book notes,more suitable for people just started to write reading notes for lianbi. Many people like to read books,but they just dont know how to write their reading notes. In the process of reading,encountered some better statements,it will be recorded directly. There must be a reason why you feel good about it,and these reasons do not have to be well written. Two or three words mean yes. In this way,while recording,while writing their own intravenous drip,not tired at all,after reading the book,the written text will e out. I have seen a teacher in my reading reading notes is one of the best teachers practice books on the Internet,copious and fluent recording more than 10 feet,nearly the length of words.

Although their own feelings are not many,in order to extract the words from the book as the main,but for this teacher,after reading the harvest will be much larger than others.

英文读书报告 篇7

Tomorrow is a New Day Reading on Gone With the Wind

American writer Margaret Mitchell wrote a work merely on the legendary place in the literacy circles of writers, her only work Gone with the Wind has become the United States best-selling works of fiction overnight .November 8th, 1900, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, home of a lawyer. Since childhood, the Civil War, which happening in Atlanta, has become the topic. Of course Atlanta became the natural background of the novel. Margaret has spent ten years time to write the novel and half a years time to cross-check fiction historical events involved in the specific time and place.

Gone with the Wind is a novel describes love. Margaret used her female fine and smooth to grasp young womens complicated psychological activities exactly when they are seeking for love ,modeling this novels complex figure Scarlett successfully .Sometimes, this figure was very familiar to us ,but sometimes very strange. Sometimes we could understood her,but sometimes we thought she was unintelligible. However, we could fell she was very authentic from beginning to the end , these were this books greatest achievements. Scarlett was young and beautiful but what she had did show her cruel and greedy. In order to re-energize her family property, she took her love and marriage as

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business. She had three marriages, but she was not sincere at all. Finally, she found that, Ashley, the man she kept in mind constantly was weak and incompetent in character. But the man named Rhett Butler was worthwhile to be loved.

From the view of appreciation of the beauty, the person who had a complicated character could not be intaken into a negative character simply. In previous novels, the author used to shape the character in a simple way. Gone with the Wind has broken this descriptive method. The novel by the characters presented to us are both positive and negative of the combination.

Scarlett, the leading character in the novel, impressed me the most. So I want to talk something about her. Her character was very complex. She was childish and optimistic. She had a tense feeling and her feeling was apt to be revealed. In the meanwhile, she was self-willed and like a bear with a sore head. She was also quite responsible for her own action. She was not good at analyzing and introspection. These characters made her use six or seven years experiences to realize that the unwilling love was wrong. This kind of love was just a fine kink but not real exist. From another point of view, I appreciate Scarletts brave and strong. When she faced difficulties she would say: Tomorrow is another day. Yeah, what a reasonable sentence. Its of great philosophic theory. It told us to be confident to life. When I meet difficulty, I will tell myself: tomorrow is another day.

Gone with the Wind has a very significant position in our society. We feel America is an incredible and strange country, but Gone with the Wind uncovers her too softhearted veil, making people see many things that dirty and glorious are coexisted. It also has a special significance to adolescents. This novel became famous overnight as soon as it published. This novel which reached a length of 1000 pages shocked American. The movie Gone with the Wind was adapted from this novel. The movie made the novel even more famous. It is quite worth reading.

英语读书报告 篇8

A Book Report of The Black Tulip

By Huang Xin, Talents Class, 2006

I have recently read the simplified version of The Black Tulip published by Shanghai Translation Press. This novel was written by the distinguished French writer Alexandre Dumas Pere, the pioneer of the Romanticism Literature Movement in France. He was so popular that his works had been translated into several languages and welcomed by readers all over the world.

This novel took 17th century Dutch bourgeois revolutionary period of intense political struggle and the turbulent life as its background.

This gist of the story is as follows. The leading role Cornelius is a young doctor who completely doesn’t inquire about politics. He loves growing tulips and is trying to cultivate a black tulip without any other color on it at all. In order to obtain the considerable bonus offered by the government to the first man who cultivates the very kind of black tulip, Boxtel, Cornelius’

neighbor, tries to destroy and steal the bulbs of Cornelius, even kill him. Fortunately, Cornelius in the prison gets acquainted with the prison-keeper’s daughter Rosa and they fall in love. Under Rosa’s help, Cornelius realized his dream and achieves happiness at last.

It’s firmly believed by some people that when you become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow. After reading this novel, I believe that nothing is further from the truth. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest efforts.

Firstly, in order to obtain happiness, you should achieve your successful work, in order to achieve your successful work, you should go through thick and thin. As the writer said, “those who have suffered much, have a right to be happy.” Take the two leading characters for example. They eventually reach happiness after suffering a lot both psychologically and physiologically. Secondly, your happiness should live in your contribution towards others’ happiness, but not on the contrary, in destroying others’ happiness. If you get your happiness by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you won’t be happy with it for long, at least, you won’t enjoy the real happiness. People will think you’re a mean person. Boxtel was a typical case. He would never gain happiness.

Thirdly, wealth obtained through dishonest means doesn’t bring happiness. Happiness is not an end, it is a process. It’s a continuous process of honest and productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful and worthy person.

英语读书报告 篇9


2、阅读目标:oliver twist;




读书报告题目3号字,正文小4号字。英文字体为times new roman

oliver twist

i. introduction (about 200 words)

in the introduction part, information about the book, the author, and his times should be covered. a brief account of the author’s life should be given together with a description of his times. the latter should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.

ii. the story or a summary of the book (about 200 words)

a summary should be self-contained, clear and easy to understand. (they can be left to the third part.) the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, or sometimes in the tense of the original work.

in this part, the writer expresses his or her own views on the book, names its merits and demerits, and discusses its relevance to the present time. the discussion should of course center on the content of the book, the author’s style and techniques of writing, if interesting, can also be touched upon.

如何写英语读书报告 篇10










英语读书报告 篇11

Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride and prejudice play a lavishing story. This story is told from third point of view. From my perspective Jane Austen wanted to convey love wins over prejudice and to not just take in the saying of first impression but to look in the person's character deeper. Jane Austin was born in 1775 in Stevenson, Hampshire. Her family wasn't rich but managed to give her a decent education. She was the seventh of eight children of her father, a clergyman. Like other young women of her social class, Jane and her sister Cassandra were educated mostly at home in subjects of music, drawing, painting, needlework, and social behavior. Her father's encouragement and her own enjoyment in reading led Jane to became very well read. At fourteen she began to write little plays for home theatricals. She also wrote nonsense story's to entertain her family. Jane would spend the majority of the evening in the corner of the room with her manuscript and blotter observing the world surrounding her. She would write when the room was quiet and if she were interrupted, she would cover her manuscript with a blotter and continued when the room was silent again. Before Jane Austen died of cancer in 1817 at Winchester, she had already published six successful novels: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Emma, and Persuasion, respectively. Jane Austen is now buried in the ancient cathedral in Winchester of her native Hampshire. Pride and Prejudice lets you travel through lives back then but also she portrays the lives of modern days. You can read it and you might be able to recall some parts of the book as your life, but in a different time period

英语读书报告 篇12

Book Report

I have been reading a book for many days. The books name is CAT AND MOUSE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE. It is telling about Geronimo Stilton who is a newspaper mouse who runs newspaper in New Mouse City—the capital of Mouse island.

On one night of October, he decided to visit his aunt, Sweetfur. But he got lost when he was driving through the Dark Forest because of the foggy. Then his car was out of gas. He thought “I wish I was at home”。

Suddenly there was a lightning in the sky and he saw a big castle. When he walked closer to the front door, he saw two stone cats and a sign that says: To Canny Cat’s castle. The door bell was in one stone cat’s mouth. When Geronimo was deciding to go into the castle, it starts to rain, so he went into the castle……

At last Geronimo’s sister, little nephew Benjamin and his cousin Trap all came and helped him find out all of two little cat. They don’t want others to come into the castle because the castle is their ancestor Canny Cat’s. So they make many tricks.

After reading this story, I think it’s very interesting, and I had a lot of fun. My favorite character is Geronimo’s nephew Benjamin. Because he is very cute and clever, he always observes every detail. He found out the foot prink on the floor and the nail on the wall. In the story it shows Geronimo is a very timid mouse that always scared himself.

I like this story very much, so I’ll still read more this set of book.

读书英语报告 篇13


《The Red and The Black》— By Stendhal

The author

Stendhal was a French author who represented critical realism. He was regarded as the most important and the earliest realism founder. The most two famous work are 《The Red and The Black》 and 《The Charterhouse of Parma》. In his short lifetime, he contributed a lot to human literature. He had experienced a period of turbulent times, including the France Revolution, Napoleon Empire and Bourbon Dynasty restoration.

but wanting to change his social statue and break through limit of class. He refused to appeal and confess to indicate his protest. Mr. de Renal abandoned her family and come to Paris. She went to the prison everyday to pay a visit to Julien. As a result, their affection became deeper and deeper. But three days after Julien died, Madame de Renal died as well because of exceeded sorrow. While Mathilde buried her lover’s head with her own hands just like her ancestor.

英语读书报告 篇14

“ les miserables ” (1862) is representative works of victor hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the french literature。

the novel basic plot is ran a rang pitiful life history。 he originally is one poor family background worker, because the ine insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison。 passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life。 the punishment pletely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person。 he uses an alias is madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor。 but soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker fantin's daughter cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to paris。 afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit。 the ran a rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue。

“ les miserables ” is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real。 but the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events。 if ran a rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic。

如何写英语读书报告 篇15






















