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Zhi Wei Wei Zhongxian

See also: Wei Zhongxian good governance

Revelation Emperor before the death of Chong Chong Emperor said, Wei Zhongxian "Ke Jian loyalty, can be a major event." At that time, Wei Zhongxian to Si Li Bing pen superintendent of the East factory. Wei Zhongxian's intimate Tianer Gengwei Jin Yiwei Admiral, Cui Chengxiu for the Bingbushangshu. Inside and outside the court everywhere Wei Zhongxian buddies.

Chong Zhen Emperor ascended the throne, Wei Zhongxian did not dare to blatant Chongzhen Emperor. Chongzhen emperor in the palace day, sleepless nights, took the eunuch who siege to self-defense, but also keep in mind Huangsao Zhang queen's admonition, do not eat the food in the palace, eat only in the possession of the possession of wheat cake.

Chong Zhen, like the emperor of the same, preferential treatment Wei Zhongxian and Kelvin, one side will be the letter of the government to be eunuchs and maidservants gradually brought to the palace to ensure their own safety. Wei Zhongxian always can not guess Zhu by the mind, so send some beauty to Chongzhen Emperor. Chongzhen Emperor is not lascivious, no interest in beauty. But afraid of causing Wei Zhongxian suspicion, Chongzhen emperor will be sent to all four women left to carefully search and found four women's corsage top, are tied with a small pill, the palace called "Ecstasy" Is actually a naturally volatile aphrodisiac.

Wei Zhongxian not a count, another generation of a meter, to send a small eunuch sitting in the palace of the complex wall, the hands of "Ecstasy", so that the natural mixing of a strange fragrance in order to achieve the effect of aphrodisiac. This trick, the same was Chongzhen Di see through. Chongzhen emperor this big lament: "imperial test, the emperor are all wrong for this!"

Wei Zhongxian simply use more explicit test methods. Some shameless ministers are still kept on the sparse, chanting for Wei Zhongxian. Chongzhen Emperor read these scenes of sparse, always "and read and laugh." Wei Zhongxian to the emperor on a "long hold the temple of the shame", to the emperor asked to stop building for his ancestral hall. Chongzhen Emperor's approval of tepid: "After all the Health Temple, its wish to lift those who do not row, to stop." This push the move, to suppress the opposition from top to bottom on the worship of Wei Zhongxian, and not cause Wei Zhongxian angry.

Chong Zhen Di also continue to reward Wei Zhongxian, Wang Xiu dry, Cui Qixiu and others. Natural, Chong Zhen waiting for the opportunity, secretly trying to weaken the influence of Wei Zhongxian.

At that time the court of the ministers, are thinking to keep their own good policy, there are speculative, there are quietly, there are risky death remonstrance. Finally, Wei, even the first by Wei Zhongxian's party to launch. Apocalypse seven years (1627) October 13 (lunar calendar), censor Yang Weiyuan on the sparse impeach Cui show, but beautify the "factory director" Wei Zhongxian - "show no benefit to the factory, and if the factory manager tired. Factory minister and was showing the show, the factory manager does not love money and was show greed, factory director is still known as the country for the people, and was show only know the right to bribe.

Cui Chengxiu in Wei Zhongxian will be under the door known as the "five tigers" one, is Wei Zhongxian's effective go-getters. Moreover, because it is Wei Zhongxian's cronies, Cui Chengxiu's son Cui Duo Although the head does not know, actually in the Jinshi. Remove Cui show, equal to broken Wei Zhongxian arm. Zhu by the seizure of Cui Chengxiu Bing Department of the post, so that he returned home Shou system. This opened the curtain of Wei Wei.

Officials impeached Wei Zhongxian's play to appear again and again. Chongzhen Emperor has been quietly, let the miners attack Wei Zhongxian wave wave is better than a wave, the middle had to face Wei Zhongxian cry. On October 26th, Haiyan County tribute to the money on the sparse, cited Wei Zhongxian's ten counts: First, and emperor; Second, contempt; Third, the soldiers; four, no two ancestors; Six, no saint; seven, poor jue; eight, cover border politics; nine, hurt the people of wealth; ten, famous name device.

Qian Jia Zheng of the sparse of the 10 charges can actually sit real. So, Chongzhen immediately began to act, called Wei Zhongxian, ordered the eunuch in front of Wei Zhongxian read Qian Jia Zheng's sparse. Wei Zhongxian "shock fear of death", immediately went to his gambling - the original letter of the palace eunuch Xu Yingyuan, counseling measures. Xu Yingyuan to persuade Wei Zhongxian resigned title, may be able to protect the rich. The next day, Wei Zhongxian request cited the culprit, get Chongzhen the permission.

Apocalypse seven years (1627) November 1, Chong Zhendi denounced Xu Yingyuan, and once again to Wei Zhongxian devaluation in the Fengyang Zuling Division incense. However, when Wei Zhongxian went to Beijing, even with the guard 1000 people, more than forty cars overjoyed to the south away. One of this is undoubtedly stimulated Chongzhen sensitive nerve. So, Chong Zhen emperor then under a decree, life Jin Yiwei flag school will Wei Zhongxian want to get back to Beijing.

Apocalypse seven years (1627) November 6, in Fucheng County (now Hebei Fucheng) South Gate of the hostel, the soldiers scattered Wei Zhongxian alone to stay in the inn, listening to the next room a scholar Of the "Guizhi children" ditty song, and finally hanging from death. And the liquidation of Wei Zhongxian party action soon proceed.


At this time the central government agencies in the Ming Dynasty Wei Zhongxian buddies, and even a group of Wei party characters to impeach Wei Zhongxian's hero itself, in order to confuse the audio-visual. To this end, the battle of clearing the Wei party without delay. Chongzhen Emperor has appointed Cao Shiji, Yan Jizu, Zong Mingwu, Qu style plow and other people to the matter, the appointment of Wu Huan, Ye Chengzhang, Ren Zanhua and others for the censor to defensive Wei party for the duties, set off a large-scale liquidation The

From the revelation of seven years in November to Chongzhen two years in March, check the gondolas against the case of the net spread. In addition to the first Wei Wei Zhongxian, outside the guest, a total of seven categories: the first counterattack of six people, to meet nearly nine paternity, make close to the waiter and other eleven people, thirty thousand evil guilty, Five people, close to the paternity and other times one hundred twenty-eight people, the temple praise forty-four people, a total of two hundred and fifty-eight people, were convicted and disposed of. At the same time, Chongzhen Emperor ordered the demolition of the construction of the ancestral hall for the Wei Zhongxian, the provisions of the palace of the internal supervision may not be allowed to go to Beijing, and asked the eunuchs around the guard immediately for the transfer procedures, rushed to return to the capital.

In the same time, the Chongzhen Emperor gradually launched a rehabilitated activities, for some of the Yandang party persecuted Donglin people to restore their reputation. In theory, praise praise, eradicate evil, Chongzhen emperor have done one by one. In addition to evil and good, seeking is up and down together, bent on the good. However, the results of the practice with the theory of Chong Zhen Di tasted the political bitterness.

Yandang and Donglin party struggle for a long time, with the words of the early Qing Dynasty scholars, Donglin may not have a gentleman, and Yandang party may not have villains, the so-called clear evil side, praise good side can only be Relatively. The struggle between the two parties has continued until the early years of the Qing Dynasty, and the Chongzhen Emperor, who was bent on the DPRK, was caught in a never-ending war.

Since the Ming Dynasty since the Wanli, the party struggle, Donglin and Xuan party, Kun party, Qi party, Chu party, Zhejiang party attack each other, and finally led to the emperor of the dictatorship situation. Zhu's first step after seizing the throne is to liquidate the Yandang party, but this can only be said to be the first step to further eliminate the party struggle is a more daunting event.

Diligent and honest

According to historical records, Chongzhen diligent to deal with official documents overnight. Once, he went to Cining Palace to see the palace of the most prestigious Liu Tai Fei (Chong Zhen emperor grandmother), even sitting asleep, Liu Tai Fei ordered people to be covered with Chongzhen cover. Chongzhen woke up and said bitterly, in order to deal with the official documents, summoned the ministers he rarely rest, has been sleepless nights, to speak and Liu Tai Fei relative tears. Chongzhen Emperor during the day in the Wenhua hall approved memorials, met ministers, at night in the Palace of the Qing Dynasty to see the chapter, met military emergency when the continuous days and nights can not rest.

Chongzhen Emperor is the emperor since the emperor since the rare diligence of the king, in addition to the day should be exempt from the date, the daily as the DPRK, and attend the day and the feast. One day, when he attended the day, due to exhausted, free to put his feet above the Taiwan Leng. At that time, the official commentary of the official Wen Mengzheng talked about "Shangshu" in the "for those who do not disrespect" one, then looked up and looked at the emperor tilted feet, Chongzhen embarrassed to cover the robe, his feet slowly down. Visible, he is also serious about the day, not perfunctory.

Chongzhen emperor took office at the beginning, issued a "government officials do not love money," the call. In the ensuing days, he has been set an example: 17 years in power, the palace did not carry out any construction, food and clothing do not pay attention.


In the northeast, Nurhachu in the Wanli years after 30 years of war unified the Jurchen all. After the formal said sweat, after the establishment of gold, then Nurhachu began to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Chongzhen Emperor has been dismissed from the return of the generals Yuan Chonghuan as Bingbushangshu, governor thistle Liao, after the gold rebellion. Nurhachu was Yuan Chonghuan killed with a cannon, his son Huang Taiji inherited his Khan bit, but the suspicion of the Chongzhen emperor in the imperial tai chi counter, the result is Yuan Chonghuan was deferred, and then pass the first side of the public, the body was Beijing people competing for food and food, home was copied, but no money home. Yuan Chonghuan after the death of the deputy grandparents heard the news, led his subordinates to destroy Shanhaiguan out, went straight to Jinzhou, defected after the gold. Zu big birthday to his nephew Wu Sangui wrote a letter, but this time Wu Sangui not from. After the surrender of the ancestral life, Chongzhen emperor threw the name of the governor of Hong-cheng led Wu Sangui and other eight soldiers to a total of 130,000 people to rescue Jinzhou, Hong Chengcun in the suppression of Li Zicheng's campaign, made great merit, but in Jinzhou was surrounded for six months, food To be captured, surrendered after the gold, Wu Sangui fled. Jinzhou war marked the Ming Dynasty in Liaodong defense system of complete collapse, in the customs only Ning Yuan a city alone.


In the face of the mainland peasant army and the edge of the Manchuria army layers of approaching, Zhu by the inspection in order to increase the court financial income, in addition to the normal tax increase in rates, rates and training rates. Synthetic "three rates".

Chongzhen three years (1630), increase and forced "Liao rate", acres of silver plus three cent. Chongzhen ten years (1637), to suppress the peasant uprising, the introduction of "pay rates", each year to send more than three hundred and thirty million two silver. Chongzhen twelve years (1639), Ming Ting also levy "training rates", the annual silver seven hundred and three more than two million two.

Liao rate, training rates, pay rates (Zeng, not implemented) and other "three rates" of the school, became Chongzhen life of the biggest stains.

However, Mr. Chen Zhiping, vice president of the China Society of Economic History and vice president of the Chinese Ming Dynasty Society, said: "The analysis of the calm and the three rates, but the per cent of the 'nine percent' silver, according to the end of the grain price conversion, The proportion of rice in the yield in the late Ming Dynasty is negligible.

It should be understood that in the period of national war, the increase in the amount of taxes is inevitable.

Manchu Qing at the beginning of the beginning, Duoergun had righteously accused: "before the righteousness of the most righteous people, such as the plot to send Liao rate, so that the people of the poor pirates, and add taxes, and then for the side racket , But after the increase in rates, but this three rates, several times is for, suffering from small people, tick fat scrape pulp. "However, put a pair of compassionate gesture, called" since the first year of Shunzhi, where the amount of In addition, all factions, such as Liao rate, pay rates, training rates and the purchase of rice beans do Juan Juan.

However, the real fact is: this Juan exempt from the "three rates" of the decree is not strictly implemented, in addition to Dorgen outside the fortification of the province to send more than 250 yuan extra money and more than 250 million, Shunzhi pro-life to meet the amount of grain, and Shunzhi Once the increase in training rates, "before the Liao rate in the Wanli years to send, so back to the old faction."

Therefore, the historian Gu Cheng in the "History of the South Ming" pointed out that "18 years of Shunzhi also from the fat, the restoration of the Ming Dynasty pay rates, plus more than five million two."


Chongzhen two years, Qin day monitoring the amount of solar eclipse again mistakes, while Xu Guangqi rely on the help of missionaries, the use of Western method is quite accurate measurement, in line with the sky. When the Emperor Chongzhen blame Qin Tianzhao, the officials of the Qin days, according to the truth, "the Great Hall" for "grant calendar" for a long time, they are only two hundred and sixty years after the founding of the old law, if the conservative, No difference Rites Department of this re-play please start the calendar, only to be approved. At this point, Xu Guangqi to sixty-year-old was appointed by the court for the management of the Ministry of Rites minister left wing, created an epoch-making albert - compilation of "Chongzhen calendar."

The Ming Dynasty hired the Longhua people (Italian, involved in short-term preparation), Luo Ya (Portuguese), Deng Yu (Swiss, involved in short-term preparation), Tang Ruowen (Germanic) and others involved in translation, Copies of Copernicus, Galileo, Tycho, Kepler and other famous European astronomers. From Chongzhen two years to Chongzhen seven years successively compiled a book.

"Chongzhen almanac" is China's earliest absorption of Western advanced astronomy knowledge of the traditional Chinese calendar to reform the large-scale academic works. It comprehensively and systematically introduces the knowledge of western astronomy and formed the impact of traditional astronomy which has been relatively backward in China, so that the development of Chinese astronomy has embarked on a new way of absorbing and integrating western astronomy. It has promoted the development of Chinese astronomy to modern times Model development has a very important role.

"Chongzhen Almanac" is completed, the late Ming court has been in turmoil, the new calendar has not yet promulgated, a few months later, Li Zicheng scored in Beijing, the implementation of the new law of success and failure, eventually failed to implement.


The Ming Dynasty, tobacco through Luzon (now the Philippines), Vietnam, North Korea three routes into China, was originally used as herbal medicine and popular in the army. Soon, this "addiction" spread from the military to the people. To the end of the Ming Dynasty, tobacco has been in a large range of smoking, related to the cultivation, trafficking industry is also developed. At that time people have recognized the harm of eating cigarettes, the community also spread a saying that the following emperors of the Ming emperor, are "Yan Wang" offspring, the capital is "Yanjing", "smoke" word homophonic "Yan" , "Eat cigarettes" is "eat Yan", after eating Yan Wang, the break Yan Yan's righteousness, and even sang "heaven and earth soldiers from all over the smoke," the nursery rhymes, which can not but cause the fear of the rulers of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, Chongzhen Emperor twice issued "red head", asked the national quit smoking, prohibiting officials in the bureaucracy and other official bodies of smoking, possession or sale of tobacco are likely to be executed. This is the first time in Chinese history, the formal ban on smoking.


The Sixth Emperor of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was also the last emperor of the Ming dynasty as a unified power of the whole country. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. Five children, Ming Xi Zong Zhu by the school mother, mother for the ladies Liu.

Apocalypse two years (1622) was booked for the letter king, Apocalypse seven years (1627) ascended the throne, changed Yuan Chongzhen (1628 - 1644), later known as Chongzhen Emperor.

Chongzhen emperor succeeded after the eradication of the political party, diligent in politics, life frugality, had six sins had Chao, is a young and promising emperor. Unfortunately, the nature of suspicious, can not save the decline of the Ming dynasty. During the reign of the peasant uprising, after the government outside the golden eye, has been in the situation of internal and external. In 1644, Li Zicheng break Beijing, died in the coal mountain, at the age of 34 years, reign of 17 years.

After the death of Chongzhen, suicide officials have the Department of the Ministry of books Shang Ni Yuanlu, the Ministry of Commerce Fan Jingwen, left are censor Li Banghua, left deputy are censor Shi Bangyao, Dali Siqing Ling Yi, too often Temple Qing Wu Lin Zheng, left in the Yun Liu Li Shun, Meng Zhaoxiang, etc., consort prince Gong Yong solid family suicide, eunuch suicide to hundreds, killed more than a thousand people. Maids suicide more than three hundred people. Gentry students and so on more than seven hundred family suicide. April 4, Changping state officials Zhao Yigui and others will Chongzhen emperor and the emperor buried in the tomb of Changping County Tian Guifei, the Qing Dynasty to "the emperor changed the funeral, so that subjects for the funeral for three days, buried in the Ming Tombs Si Ling. The

Chongzhen Emperor died after the temple of Huai, after the change were cases, thinking cases. The Qing Dynasty on the posthumous title Shou Dao frugal wide Wen Xiang Wu Ren Ren filial piety Zhuang emperor, Nanming Hongguang emperor posthumous title Shaodian deduction Road Ming Cong Jian Jian Jing Wen Fu Wu Dun Ren Mao Xiao Lie emperor.


Early experience

Zhu by the father because of his father was the grandparents of the gods were tired of the Prince, the mother is the Prince of the thin concubine, juvenile is not happy. At the age of five, his mother Liu offended by his father ordered the stick to kill, Zhu by the inspection by the mother of the West to raise. A few years later, Li Li gave birth to her daughter, but she was raised to another adult by her mother. In 1622 by the brother Zhu by the school book for the letter king.

Ascended the throne

Ming Xi Zong in the seven years (1627) after the death of August, because there is no heir, he was killed in the same month Ding days to inherit the throne, when eighteen years old. The second year changed its name to "Chongzhen".

Chongzhen emperor ascended the throne, diligent government affairs. (1627) in November, Chong Zhendi grasp the opportunity to eradicate the wings of Wei Zhongxian, Wei Zhongxian in isolation and helpless situation, and then a paper edict, demoted Wei Zhongxian Fengyang Shouling, spin it Ordered to arrest. In its hanged after death, ordered the corpse in the river between. Thereafter, more than 260 people will be killed or executed, or sentenced, or imprisoned for life, so that the arrogant aristocratic party suffered a fatal blow. Vindicated miscarriage of justice, re-opening the day was dismissed officials. The use of Yuan Chonghuan for the Bingbushangshu, given Shangfang sword, entrusted him to recover the responsibility of the whole Liao. Chongzhen fifteen years (1642) in the first nine months of July, due to "occasional ailments" and temporary pass away early, was criticized by Fu Chen, Chongzhen emperor quickly self-review. Once made the room with the possibility of ZTE.

The image of subjugation

See also: Ming Dynasty Little Ice Age

Continued drought

Since the first year of Chongzhen (1628), the north of China drought, red thousands of miles, barren is not born, "Hanzhong County," remember, "Chongzhen the first year, the whole mountain of red blood. Five years of hunger, six years of water , Seven years of autumn locusts, big hunger, eight years in September Xixiang drought, slightly waterlogging, the miners did not Nine years of drought locusts, ten years of autumn Wo no, eleven years of summer fly locusts ... ... thirteen years Drought ... ... four years of drought. Since the Chongzhen dynasty, Shaanxi has a great drought every year, and the people have been displaced. Chongzhen two years in May the official meeting of the Northern Shaanxi Inn, station soldiers Li Zicheng unemployed. Chongzhen three years (1630) Shaanxi big hunger, Shaanxi patrol Ma Maocai in the "prepared Chen Da hunger," said the people fight against the mountains of the grass, cut grass, peel bark eat, bark finished, only Can eat Guanyin soil, the last abdominal distension and death, Chongzhen six years (1633), "the whole Shaanxi dry locust, Yaozhou, Chengcheng County area, the people died more than half."

Chongzhen seven years (1634), who lives in Henan Province, the former soldiers of the Book of Lv Weiqi letter to the court: "cover years, Chen Township without years of no shortage of hardship, no months without bitter soldiers, no day to lose money. Gengwu (Chongzhen three years) Drought; Xin no drought; Ren Shen drought. Wild no grass, ten room nine empty. ... ... village no barking dog, still knock on the gate of the door; tree cuckoo, do sprinkle whip flutter of blood. Township, a few people smoke; white bone green phosphorus, every night like a ghost cry. To make the poor do not become a pirates, not too ". Drought has caused locusts, making the disaster more expanded. Henan Chongzhen ten years, eleven years, twelve years, thirteen years are locust drought, "people eat, vegetation all do, soil Kou and play", the hungry people from the "Chuang Wang" Li Zicheng. Chongzhen thirteen, fourteen years, "the north and south all the great shortage ... ... dead abandoned children, Ying River Road.

Plague outbreak

Chongzhen thirteen years (1640), Shunde House, Hejian House and Damingfu have a large epidemic, and is a strong epidemic of infectious diseases, "plague infection, people die eighty-nine."

Chongzhen fourteen years (1641), the epidemic to further develop. In the name of the government, "spring without rain, locusts eat wheat to do, plague big line, people die ten fifty six years old fierce." The rate of death is quite high. Guangping, Shunde, really fixed, etc., a lot of similar records. Zuo Mao dynasty supervise the water transport, the road Chi sparse words: "Chen Jingjing arrived in Linqing, see the people of the hunger who three, the dead three, for the Pirates of the four stone two twenty-four, people die to eat. "At this time the provinces of North China and the great disease, "To the night, the people fled, the city empty."

Chongzhen fourteen years (1641) in July, the epidemic from Hebei to Beijing, the disease is called "pimple disease", "summer and autumn epidemic, human life a fat uplift, the number of legislation to death, that the pimple plague, are People suffering from this four fifteen. To the spring there are hematemesis, or a number of people die. "" Pimple "is the glandular plague in patients with lymph nodes called.

Chongzhen sixteen years (1643) occurred between the summer and autumn gland plague to Chongzhen seventeen years (1644) spring into the lung plague. Beijing's population mortality rate is about 40% or more, ten room nine empty. The epidemic in the suburbs of Beijing is also very serious. In Tongzhou, "Chongzhen sixteen years Gui in July epidemic, said the name of gangrene, than the house of infection, there is no family who died without convergence." Changping state records called "pimples", and "see the dead, to have the door". Hejian Fujing County "Chongzhen sixteen years of the epidemic, the patient vomiting blood watermelon water to death.

Chongzhen sixteen years (1643) in August, the outbreak of lung plague in Tianjin: "heaven disaster, plague epidemic, since August (September 15), infected to Sheng. There are two dead days, The dead, the day no less than hundreds of people, and even the whole family do not leave one person, one by one door, no one preservation.

Chongzhen seventeen years (1644), Tianjin military supervision of military health, said, "last year, the capital of the plague masterpiece, death pillow, ten room nine empty, and even Ding Ding absolutely, no convergence.

Chongzhen seventeen years (1644) fall, the plague spread to Lu'an government, "the patient before the armpit shares between the nuclei, or spit blood that is dead, not bait.Although friends and relatives dare not ask hanging, No dead man who is dead. "

Shanxi plague also spread to neighboring provinces. Chongzhen seven or eight years Xingxian people escape because of the evacuation, it is possible to spread the plague to the adjacent areas. From the Xingxian over the Yellow River, is the Yan'an in Shaanxi and Yulin government, Chongzhen nine years to sixteen years, Yulin government and Yan'an county have been a major epidemic, such as Chongzhen decade "plague, ... ... , Thirteen years, summer and epidemic, fifteen years, ... ... blight, sixteen years, Nim, July County plague masterpiece.

Jiangnan in Chongzhen thirteen years (1640) was flood, Chongzhen fourteen years (1641) drought and locusts, Chongzhen fifteen years of persistent drought and epidemic. Local society in a very fragile state, bandits and displaced people, all over the people continue to break out.

According to historians not entirely statistics, the Ming Dynasty Wanli and Chongzhen two plague in the epidemic, the North Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei provinces killed at least 10 million people. Plague epidemic and drought, locusts and war followed, the Ming dynasty could not reach the soldiers south, also in reason. Surprisingly, the spread of years of plague in the Qing Shunzhi after the first year to disappear without a trace, all over the weather in North China, the social economy began to recover.

Internal and external problems

See also: the late Ming peasant war

For the suppression of bandits, Chong Zhen Emperor first with Yang He asked, after the use of Hong Cheng domain, and then Cao Wenzhao, and then Chen Qi Yu, reuse Hong Cheng domain, and then Lu Xiangsheng, and then Yang Sichang, and then Xiong Wencan, and Yang Sichang, thirteen years in the frequent Replace the generals around the army. Which in addition to Xiong Wencan, the other have shown excellent talent. However, suspicious people, and even the results are ineffective are fall short. Li Zicheng several survived, after the development of Henan gathered.

At this time the North Huang Taiji and continue to harass the invasion, Ming Ting suffer from two lines of combat, the annual military "three rates" spending up to 20 million or more, the state finance has long been out of trouble, lack of rates generally, often led to internal chaos mutiny The Chongzhen Emperor to seek the eager, "Chunming dream more than recorded" account: "Chongzhen two years in November, to the Secretary of the Superintendent of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health and the United States, After the anti-meter, kill Yuan Chonghuan.

With the increasingly severe situation, Chongzhen Emperor's indiscriminate killing is also increasingly serious, the governor was punished by seven people, the governor was killed 11 people. Zhu also know that the two sides can not fight, privately agreed to peace. But the Ming Dynasty scholar in view of the lessons of the Southern Song Dynasty, all thought and Manchu peace talks ashamed. So Chongzhen for the peace of the matter, and always dilemma, he secretly agreed to Yang Sichang's proposal and advocate, but the side of the Lu Xiangsheng immediately told Chongzhen said: "His Majesty the governor, the minister only know that fighting!" Argued that there is no matter to discuss things, Lu Xiangsheng finally killed the battlefield. The end of the Ming Dynasty in the war between the dilemma, into the way of perish.

Chongzhen fifteen years (1642), Matsuyama, Jinzhou fall, Hong Chengcun down Qing, Chong Zhen emperor and want to discuss the whole house, the minister of the new book Chen Xinjia because of the leak and the matter was executed, and the final settlement of the Qing and the opportunity is also shattered. Chongzhen seventeen years (1644) Ming Dynasty facing the disaster, Chongzhen emperor summoned the cabinet minister lamented: "I am not a subordinate king, Ru are subjugation of the minister. I do not thin, today so far, ministers No one phase from? "In Chen, when the light and other opposition failed to resolve to move to Nanjing.

At this point, the peasant army uprising has been more than a decade, from Beijing to the south, south to Nanjing, thousands of miles between vertical and horizontal, bones full of land, people cut off, pedestrians scarce. Chongzhen Emperor called Baoding governor Xu standard into the Beijing audience, Xu standard said: "Chen from the JAC came, thousands of miles to the ground, even if there is a place in the city, but also only around the wall, at first glance are weeds, listen Not see a chicken dog called. Can not see a farmland farming people, like this His Majesty will be how to manage the world? "Chongzhen Emperor heard, tears, sigh more than. So, in order to sacrifice the refugees and the death of the soldiers and killed the Prince, Chongzhen emperor in the palace to master the Buddha to pray for the world peace, and under the crime has been Chao, urging the governor Sun Chuanting quickly encircled the peasant army.

The mountain is martyred

See: Jia Shen of the change, the Qing army entry

Chongzhen sixteen years (1643) the first month, Li Zicheng grams of Xiangyang, Jingzhou, Dean, Chengtian and other government, Zhang Xianzhong stuck Qizhou, Ming Zuo Liangyu fled to Anhui Chizhou. Chongzhen seventeen years (1644), March 1, Datong fall, Beijing critical, the fourth day, Chongzhen Emperor Wu Sangui for the level of Heibo, flying Xi Gui into the capital, the use of Wu Xiang Admiral Beijing camp. On the 6th, Li Zicheng trapped Xuamu, eunuchs Du Xun surrendered, fifteen days, Li Shantai surrendered, Li Zicheng began to encircle Beijing, Ming Dynasty facing the disaster. Superintendent Cao Huachun said: "Mingxian Ruqin, the current affairs will not be this." Ming army in the army and the peasant uprising army and the two lines of the fighting, repeated defeat, has completely lost combat effectiveness.

On March 17th, the peasant uprising army besieged the capital. On the evening of the 18th, Chongzhen Emperor and personal eunuch Wang Cheng'en boarded the coal hill (also known as Wanshou Hill, now Beijing Jingshan), looking out the city and Changyi door area of the flames, just crying sigh, wandering silent. Li Zicheng scored in Beijing. Eunuch Wang Lian told the emperor, Chongzhen in the palace drinking long sigh: "bitter my people Seoul!" Eunuch Zhang Yin advised the emperor surrender, was a sword stabbed to death. Chong Zhen Emperor ordered people to send Prince, Yong Wang, set the king to the medley Zhou Kui, Tian Hongjie home. Back to the palace after the writing of the edict, ordered by the king of Zhu Junchen command of the army and auxiliary Prince Zhu Ci. And life week queen, Yuan Guifei and three sons into the palace, simply told their sons a few words, life eunuchs were sent to their relatives to avoid their relatives. He was crying on the week after the Queen said: "You are the mother, should be martyred." Zhou Queen also cried and said: "concubine to follow you 18 years, His Majesty did not listen to a concubine sentence, so today, Concubine how dare not die? "Said the solution with hanging hanging. Chongzhen emperor turned to Yuan Guifei said: "You also go with the emperor!" Yuan Guifei crying farewell, also hanging from. Chongzhen Emperor also called the 15-year-old Princess Chang Ping, tears said: "Why do you want to be born to the emperor to ah!" Finished his left sleeve cover, right hand pull out the knife to cut her left arm, then And chopped her right shoulder, she fainted. But also swords stabbed his only six years old woman - Zhaorong princess.

Chongzhen Emperor and hacked the concubines number of people, and ordered to urge the king of self-sufficiency. Yi An Zhang queen curtain on the Zhu by the worship of a few worship, conceited death. On the 19th morning, Li Zicheng uprising from the Zhiyi door reached Beijing city. And then Chongzhen emperor holding three guns and dozens of eunuchs ride out of the East Gate, was blocked by the arrows, and then went to Qihua door (Chaoyangmen), into the country Gong Zhu Chen closed the door, then turned to Andingmen, Here the garrison has been scattered, the door deep lock, eunuchs to facilitate the ax can not split. At dawn on March 19, the fire came back and returned to the palace. At this time the sky will be clear, Chong Zhen emperor in the front hall Ming bell call Baiguan, but no one came, Chong Zhen said: "Zhu Chen mistaken me also, the country Jun dead Siji, 277 years of the world, once abandoned , All traitors mistaken, so that. "Finally in Jingshan crooked neck tree hanged himself dead, dead time with his left foot, right foot wearing a red shoes. When he was 33 years old. Surrounded by only the Governor of the eunuch Wang Chengen accompanied.

Hanging on the blue robe before the big book:

"I since the throne of seventeen years, although I thin brother bandits, on the dry days of anger, are all Zhu Chen I, to the thief against the capital .I die, no face to see ancestors in the ground, since the crown to the hair Do not hurt the people.

A country is difficult

See also: A country of China difficult

Zhu Chen heard this change, the University of Fan Jingwen and his wife and concubine, the Ministry of the book Ni Yuanlu and his family of thirteen people, left are censor Li Banghua, deputy are censor Shi Bangzhao, Dali Siqing Ling Yi, Yan, the right hand of the Ministry of Punishments Meng Zhaoxiang and his wife Ho's son Mengzhang Ming, daughter-in-law million, left the rule of Ma Maqi Qi and his concubine Zhu, Lee, left to allow Liu Lishun and his wife Wan Shi, concubine Lee and his son, slaves servant door full Eighteen people, too long Temple Shaoqing Wu Lin Zheng, Zuo Shuzi Zhou Fengxiang and his two concubines, review Wang Wei and his wife Gunn, the Ministry of things to Wu Gan, censor Wang Zhang, censor Chen Liangmo and his concubine, The censor Chen Chunde, Zhao dishes, the imperial court Cheng Shen Jia Yun, officials outside the Xu straight, soldiers Langzhong Chengde and mother Zhang, wife Zhang and son, soldiers outside the military outside the Kim Hyun and mother Zhang, concubine Wang and brother 錝, Guanglu Temple Department in the Tengjiao wife, the new music Hou Liu Wenbing and grandmother and brother, left Dudu Wenyao and sister, children and grandchildren were a total of sixteen people, consort prince Yonggu and musician princess and children five, Hui Anbo Zhang Qingzhen And men and women, Xuancheng Bo Wei spring Family, Jin Yiwei are commander Wang Guoxing, Jin Yiwei command with the knowledge of Li Ruogui, Jin Yiwei 1000 high-text mining and a seventeen people, Shun Tianfu governor Chen Chengda, deputy military division Yao Cheng, the book homes people Song Tianxian, Tengzhi, Ruan Wangui, experience Zhang Yingxuan, Yang and Wei experience Mao Wei, Zhang Yushi, Zhang Shixi and two children, hundreds of Wang, Shun Tianfu instructor five, all lose its name, Changzhou students Xu Yan, all die. Zhu Chen died, but Meng Zhaoxiang Shou Zhengyang door, died under the door. Wang Zhang, Zhao compelled the enemy and died. Fan Jingwen, Shen Jianyun, Liu Wenbing, Wei Shichun went to the well, Jin Hyun, Tengzhi, Ruan Wengui, Zhang Ying election cast the river, Shi Bangyao medicine, Lingyi drainage, Gong Yonggu and Le An princess, Zhang Qingzhen self-immolation. The rest are cast ring hanging dead.

March 21 Chongzhen Emperor corpse was found, Dashun army will Chong Zhen and Zhou Queen's corpse out of the ban, in the East China Gate public, "Zhu Chen cry worship thirty people, worship and cry 60 People, I have all arrogance. ", Azusa temporary house in the north of the Forbidden City. Local civilians and he buried in the tomb of Tian Guifei. After the Qing army into the post.

The rule of the Ming Dynasty in northern China was at the brink of collapse. After the South Ming Dynasty forces in Nanjing, the establishment of the blessing of the king by the establishment of Nan Ming regime.

Behind the name

Namming Zhu by the Song Minister Zhang Shenyan Chong Chong Emperor Temple of the posthumous title for the strong emperor, Gu Xicuan Temple or dry cases. But not adopted. And finally in Chongzhen seventeen years (1644) in June will be the first Emperor of the posthumous title for the Shaodian interpretation of the road Ming Cong Jian Jian Jing Wen Wu Dun Ren Mao Xiao Lie emperor, the temple Si Zong, Hong Guang first year in February to change the temple on the temple The Tang Wang Zhu Yu key posthumous for Wei Zong.

Junji sixteen years in November (1659), began posthumous as Huaizong, after the "Xing Dynasty posthumous pre-generation of the king, the ceremony is not called, the number is not called" on the grounds, to Huai Temple,愍 emperor, the Qing Dynasty history books referred to as "Zhuang Lidi".

Si Ling God theme: Damingqin days keep the road Min Yi Dunjian Hong Wenxiang Wu Ren Ren filial piety Zhuang emperor, when the posthumous title for the Qing Dynasty posthumous title posthumous title.

Another book for the Shou Daojian frugal wide Wen Xiang Wu Ren Ren filial piety Zhuang emperor or fruit Yi thrifty Hong Wenxiang Wu Renzhi filial piety Zhuang emperor, to change the temple No. Qinzong, etc., and for the temple of the strong or respectful, posthumous title emperor.