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《2023年初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思优秀5篇》


缝很宽,时间太瘦,悄悄从指缝间溜走,经过这段时间辛勤付出,我们一定积累了不少经验和教训,下面是小编精心为大家整理的2023年初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思优秀5篇,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给最好的朋友。

初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思 篇1

students should understand the meaning of reading, master useful expressions and learn more about the present perfect tense.

useful topic: surfing, beaches; useful expressions: have been, never, ever, no matter how, neither nor, etc; and other reading skills.

tape recorder, topic cards, answer sheet, etc.

i. revision

revise the present perfect tense, do the exercise 2 on page 97, ask students answer the questions one by one.

ii. pre-reading

there are many kinds of water sports, such as swimming, paddling, boogie-boarding, and dragon boat race in china. what water sports have you watch? what kind of water sport you like best, why?

iii. while-reading

before first listening of surfing, read the questions of exercises 1 on page 98. prepare their answer sheet. ask the students bring these questions to listen the tape or video first time. write their answer if possible.

then play the tape or video once again, ask the students check their answers. and then let them try to give the main sentence of this reading.

open the textbook, turn to page 7. let ss find the new words and useful expressions in five parts (each part for each paragraph). ask them give correct explanation. make sure everyone is on task. while working, teacher go around the classroom and give help where need. then show the answers of them. teacher explains the main sentences, such as now it is enjoyed by people all over the world; its neither too hot nor too cold all the year round; etc.

iv. after-reading

discussing in four parts, talk about san francisco, honolulu, hawaii, hainan island. after discussion ss should give where is it, what it famous for, what water sport are there, etc.

v. homework

1. finish exercises 2 on page 98.

2. revise the new words, useful expression and sentences

初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思 篇2




2、知识目标1)how do you study for a test?

i study by ving .

2) the way to do sththe way of doing sth

have trouble doing sth 的用法





flashcard vocabulary aloud pronunciation memorize grammar frustrating quickly spoken pronounce mistakes challenge solution realize matter afraid complete impress trouble soft deal unless regard influence friendship development face



make mistakes be afraid to do sth laugh at enjoy doing sth

the way to do sth have trouble doing sthend up

spoken english practice doing sth too much look up

make vocabulary liststry one`s best to do sth

基本要求: 会读、会写、会用。


1)how 引起的特殊疑问句及其回答

2)the way to do sth the way of doing sth

have trouble doing sth 的用法


section a

● 例析导学

1、 they also have fun。

fun n. 乐趣 ,玩笑


1)have fun 意为―过的快活‖相当于enjoy oneself have a good time

例如:you are sure to have fun at the party 。

2)have fun doing sth 意为―开开心心做谋事‖

例如: the children are having fun playing this game .

类似的结构还有have trouble /problems experience doing sth

2、…and then end up speaking in chinese .

end up 结束,后接动词的v-ing形式

end up with 以……结束,以……而告终

例如: the game ended up with a song.

【拓展】 end 作名词

1.端,尖,末端,终点 例如: the end of the year

2.边缘;极点,极限例如:the end of the road

3.结局,结果。例如:the end of the story

3、……joining the english club at school was the best way to improve her english . the best way to do sth 做谋事的最好方法

【拓展】 1)way 方式 , 方法 有两种用法the way to do sth

the way of doing sth

例如: this is the best way to solve the problem. 或 this is the best way of solving the problem.

2)way 道路 the way to sw eg. on one‘s way to 其中to 是介词后面跟表示地点的名词做宾语 例如: he got lost and couldn‘t find his way home.

4、do you ever practice conversations with your friends ?

1) ever adv. 曾经

【拓展】一般用于疑问句,否定句中,表示频率。类似的词还有always ,usually ,often ,sometimes ,hardly ,ever ,never,用在行为动词之前,助动词之后。

2)practice n。& v. 练习,实习,实践,

practice doing sth. 练习干某事

例如:he practices running every morning .

5、i‘ve learned a lot that way .

a lot 很多,非常


1)在句中做主语例如:a lot has been done about it .

2) 在句中做宾语 例如: you have done a lot for him .

3) 在句中做状语 ,且可修饰比较级

例如: he feels a lot better today .

4)a lot of 或 lots of 可修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数

例如:there are lots of differences between them.

6、she added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all .

add v. 增加 ,补充说 , 继续说


1) add sth to sth. 添加 ,增加

例如: if you add five to nine ,you will get fourteen .

2)add up to 总计 例如: these numbers add up to 177 .

● 专项练习 选择填空

1. the boys are going to have fun ____the picture.

a. drawb. to drawc drew d drawing

2.i am sorry i took your umbrella _____ .

a. because mistake mistake mistake mistakes

‘t you see tom and jim _____football?

gb. play d. played

4. my english teacher was very angry ______tom .


mother is strict _____.

him he he

6. when we practice english speaking ,we shouldn‘t end up ____in chinese .

a. speak b. speaking c. to speaking d. with speak

7. let‘s go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow.

a. will be b. would be c. is d. is going to be

8. taiwan is ____the est of china and _____the west of fujian province .

; ;toc. on; tod. in; to


1. how do you study for a test? i study by listening to tapes.你怎样学习,准备应考?通过听录音。

how是用来提问―怎么,怎样‖的疑问词,引导一个特殊疑问句,经常用by加动词的ving形式, 表示―通过……方式,方法‖或―借助某种手段‖

例如: how do you usually go to school ? i go to school by bus。

he makes a living by working on the farm。

about listening to tapes? 听录音怎么样?

what about …?相当于how about…?后面可跟名词、代词或动词ving形式。常用来提

出建议,征求意见或询问情况。相类似句子有why not +v…?let?s +v .shall we +v ? you‘d better +v.

what abou /how about going boating with us ?

‘s too hard to understand the voices .语音难以理解。

too +adj /adv +to do 表示‖太……而不能……‖,句中it是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式。可与so…that 和enough…to do sth 改写。

例如: it‘s too heavy for me to caryy the box.

it isn‘t light enough for me to carry the box.

it‘s so heavy that i can‘t carry the box.

4、…he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly . watching movies 动名词做宾语,frustrating 形容词做宾语补足语

find +宾语+形容词 发现……例如: he finds english interesting.

不定式做宾语时,用find it sb. to do sth

he found it difficult to pass the exam.

● 专项练习

1. let the students make conversations about their own way of learning english, and how long he or she used it ,how he or she learns from it.

2. let the students ask and answer in pairs according to the learning way of 3a. talk about their ways of learning english.

初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思 篇3





step 1 revision

值日生duty report

让值日生duty report加上买东西的内容。 如句型:i want to buy a bag of milk, some bread and two eggs for my tomorrow’s breakfast on my way home. my mother want to buy four potatoes, two kilos of fish, tow kilos of apples, 1 kilo of chicken legs.

让值日生随意拿起某同学的物品,问:how much is your pen, please? 答:maybe it’s … 问:how much are two pencils, please? 答:they’re …

step 2 presentation

引出今日新课:how much is …, please? how much are …, please? 教问价钱:how much … 教句型:how much is the…,please? how much are the …., please?

老师可问一些同学们知道价钱的物品。如:方便面,袋牛奶,可乐等。练习回答:it’s …yuan a bag / a bottle / kilo. they are …yuan a kilo.


step 3 practice




a: this is a shop near our school. what things does the shop sell?

b: let me see. it sells pens, pencils, pencil-boxes, pencil-sharpeners…

a: does it sell bread / cakes / bottles milk…in the shop?

b: yes, it does. / no, it doesn’t.

a: how much is it / are they? do you know?

教单词:tomato, onion, carrot




a: which shop sells bread / milk / cakes / tomatoes / onion / carrot?

b: the shop next to our school.

a: would you like to go with me?

b: certainly.

教单词:cheap, expensive,

cheap: not expensive expensive: not cheap


in the shop

a: do you have tomatoes here?

b: yes, we do.

a: how much are they?

b: they are ten yuan a kilo.

a: they are too expensive. what about that shop? let’s have a look.

a: ok.

in the another shop

a: i want to buy some tomatoes. how much are they?

b: they are five yuan a kilo. how many do you want?

a: they are cheap. i want three.

b: here you are.

a: here is the money. bye!

b: bye!

step 4 read and practice

利用以上的所有道具练习第三部分对话。注意:分别用上:how much is it? how much are they?

step 5 consolidation


step 6



blackboard handwriting

unit 29 shopping


new words: how much, cheap, expensivetomato

useful expressionsonion

how much is it? it is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo?carrot

how much are they? they are …a kilo.

how many / how much do you want?

初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思 篇4











初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思 篇5



2.根据所学的词或词组, 写出关于如何保持健康的重要性并给出好的建议的文章。


step 1. lead in: 通过讨论下面的问题,引出本节课的大任务。吸引学生,激发其学习兴趣,提高学生作为学习主体课堂参与意识。

列一个目录在黑板1. how often do you exercise ?

2. how often do you eat vegetables? 3. how often do you eat fruit ? 4. how many hours do you sleep every night ? 5. how often do you drink milk ? 6. how often do you eat junk food ? 7. how often do you drink coffee ?

step on 让学生先以小组的形式复习section a 和section b的内容,使用大脑风暴法(让学生brainstorm)说出一些食物名称和healthy 有关的单词短语和句子,目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题keep healthy 相关的东西来酝酿写作的思路,以便写作时能选择有意义的东西。

同时通过ppt出示一些good habits or bad habits及一些建议的短语:

taking a walk after meals. taking a walk after meals. drinking enough water every day. washing hands before meals eating too much meat. going to bed late and getting up late.

throwing litter around.

going to school without breakfast problems: unhealthy advice 1. should eat a lot of vegetables 2. should eat a lot of fruits 3. can drink milk every day 4. don’t drink coffee 5. shouldn’t eat junk food se every day have eight hours’ sleep ’t play computer games or watch tv too much

step3. 展示作文题目,指导学生如何谋篇布局,规划文章结构,起草文章,组织语言。

请根据课文所给的关于饮食和运动的信息提示, 以 “ how to keep healthy” 为题写一篇70个词左右的短文。


1. 通过链接让学生了解如何写好作文,并分析文章的结构:采用“总—分—总|的结构

来写。本篇习作重在how to, 通过阐述好的生活习惯对健康的重要性来提倡健康的生活方式。

2. 让学生了解中考作文评分标准。

step5. 出示一篇例文,让学生了解文章结构,并动手起草写作文。

step6. share the writing.




step7. homework.把修改好的作文公整地抄作文本上。
