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1. The French writer Jules Verne wrote famous books, such as 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 days.法国作家儒勒?凡尔纳写了很多书籍,比如《海底两万里》和《八十天环游地球》。

(1)Jules Verne 儒勒?凡尔纳。法国科学幻想家和冒险小说家。

(2)such as

①like; for example 像;诸如;例如 eg:

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.


②everything that凡是 eg:

Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die.


(3)league [li g] n.

① former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) 里格(旧时长度单位,约3英里或4.8公里)。 eg:

The horse can run 50 leagues a day. 这匹马一天能跑240公里。

②group of people or countries combined for a particular purpose 联盟;同盟 eg:

The League of Nations is an international organization.


2. Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better. 试试下面的科学小测验,看看你是否了解得多些。

any better 更好

any [′anI] adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether 用于疑问句中,与faster, slower, better等连用;用于if/whether之后)to any degree; at all在任何程度上;丝毫 eg:

I can’t run any faster. 我无法跑得更快了。

Is your father any better? 你父亲有所好转了吗?

3. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? 地球到月球的距离是多少?

(1) distance [′dIst ns] n. [C, U]

① (amount of) space between two points or places 距离;间距

A good cyclist can cover a distance of over a hundred miles a day.


②distant place or point 远处;远方 eg:

At a distance of six miles you can’t see much.


(2) at a distance (稍)远处,表示一定的距离,近距离或用以说明具体的距离,其不定冠词a有时可以略去或改用some。 eg:

This picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远看就好些。

(3) in the distance (far away) 在(较)远处,强调距离之远。 eg:

They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.


(4) keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离;不愿与某人亲近 eg:

He always keeps anyone at a distance. 他总是不愿与任何人亲近:

4. How fast does a balloon travel? How about an airplane? How about a space shuttle?


(1)ballon [b ′lu n] ①n. brightly-coloured rubber bag that is filled with air, used as a child’s toy or a decoration(用作玩具或装饰品的)气球 eg:

They bought their son a lot of balloons yesterday.


②v. swell out like a balloon 如气球一般膨胀 eg:

Her skirt ballooned in the wind. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。

③go ballooning 乘气球 eg:

They like to go ballooning at weekends. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

(2)How/What about …?……怎么样?常常用来打听消息或提出建议,征求对方意见,后接名词,代词或动名词。 eg:

How about your mother? Does she feel better today?


(3)space shuttle—spacecraft designed for repeated use, eg between earth and a space station or the moon 航天飞机;太空穿梭机 eg:

I have never seen a space shuttle. 我从未看见过航天飞机。



wish to do sth.

wish sb. to do sth.

Wish that…

注意: 引导的宾语从句,谓语动词用虚拟形式, 可以表示对现在/当时;过去;未来的“希望”

eg. I wish that I were five years old.

I wish that I had studied hard before.

I wish that I could walk in space some day.

wish sb. sth.

Eg. I wish you good luck.

2. Which do you think is the most important?

Do you think 是插入语,不影响句子的整个结构。Do you think 插入到疑问句中, 句子应使用陈述句语序。

Eg. How much do you think I should pay for the book?

3. if so倘若是(那样的话)……

eg. If so , I won’t ask you for help.

4.How do you improve society?


Eg. The thief is dangerous to society.

5. It is likely that many of them will be born in …

likely 是形容词, 与possible 意思相同, 但possible只可用于这样的结构:it is possible that…;likely还可:sb. be likely to do

eg. He is likely to win the game.

6. It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University


Peking University and Tsinghua University included


Eg. I lost my wallet which contained 200 dollars, including two coins.

7. set up建立, 指“搭建并成立”

eg. We set up a new school and the students there were very happy.

put up单纯指“搭建”

Eg. They put up a new house.

found “成立, 建立”,尤指“国家、组织等”的建立

Eg. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.

8. in the late 1990’s在二十世纪90年代后期,在年代前的冠词the不能省略。

9.They all share the spirit of…



Eg. The students are in high spirits.

10. …made Zhongguancun a success.


Eg. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

a success 意思是“一件成功的事/一个成功的人物”

succeed 是动词

succeed in doing sth. 介词in不可省略

11. …is one of those who have returned to China after studying and working abroad.

abroad 是副词。副词作定语需后置。

Eg. I have a lot of friends at home and abroad.我有很多国内国外的朋友。

go abroad出国

12.…and work with some of the top scientists…

top scientists 优秀、顶尖的科学家

top students 好学生,尖子生

13.come true 实现

eg. My dream came true.


Eg. go hungry 挨饿

go bad 变质

14.rely on =depend on 依赖,依靠

15. Not all the new companies can succeed.并非所有的公司都能成功。


Eg. Not everyone likes the film.并非每个人都喜欢这个电影。

16.We are not making that much money yet.

That此处相当于so, 表程度。

17.aim at把目标投在……


18. prove“证明”,多作系动词,不用被动

It proved (to be )correct.



1.preference n.偏爱;优先eg:Wine or beer?which is your preference?要葡萄酒还是啤酒?你比较喜欢哪一样?

I have a preference for French films.我更喜欢法国电影。

相关链接:prefer吨更喜欢preferable adj.更好一些(和to连用) preferably ado.是用法拓展.have a preference for偏爱…… show/gire(a)preference for偏爱……

have a preference of sth.to/over,..宁要某物而不要另一物

in preference to优先于……;喜爱甚于……特别提醒;prefer是preference的动词形式,其搭配为:

prefer sth./doing sth.to sth./doing sth.喜欢……而不喜欢

prefer to do…rather than do…宁愿干……而不愿干……

2.design v&n.设计;打算给……用 eg:

He is designing a house f6r his frl’end.他正给他的朋友设计房子。

The road was not designed for heavy lrucks.这公路不是为重型卡车设计的。

用法拓展:design…f0 r…为某人设计…… .

be dem。gned for/to do…目的是……,打算给……用 一

by design故意地 have designs on/against…对……别有用心特别提醒:design当“目的是……;打算给……用”讲时,多用于被动结构。

3.belong vi.属于;是……成员 eg:She belongs to this school.她是这个学校的成员。 China belongs to the third world.中国属于第三世界。

相关键接;belongings n.(复)所有物,财产用法拓展:belong to sb.属于某人的特别提醒:

(1)belong to后面接名词的普通格.不接所有格:后接代词时用宾格,不用名词性物主代词。

(2)beIong to没有被动语态,不用于进行时态。

4.impress vt.铭刻,给……极深印象;使感动eg: What impressed me is the beauty of the scenery there.使我印象深刻的是那儿美丽的风景。 The book tmpressed a lot of people.那本书在很多人心中留下深刻印象。 My father impressed on me the importaflce of work.父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。

相关链接:impression n.印象,感觉impressive adj.给人留下深刻印象的用法拓展:impress sth.on sth.在……上印……tmpress sth.with sth.用……印…

be impressed by/at/with被深深打动 be impressed on曲.使某人铭记… make a…impression on…对……留下…印象

5.despitpe prep.不管,不顾;任凭eg:

He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.


He is very active despite his age.他年纪虽大.却很活跃。

用法拓展:despile=in spite of尽管though(althougll)尽管.虽然特别提醒:①despitein spite of但比in spite of更正式。②despite(in spite of) 是介词.后接名词(动名词.代词)而though、although是连词.连接句子。

③as con).引导一个让步状语从句.句子须部分倒装。④whik conj“尽管”引导一个让步状语从句。

6.taste vt尝……味道 vi.尝起来.吃起来 n情趣。鉴赏力eg;

can you taste anything strange in this soup?你尝得出这汤有什么怪味吗?

The soup tastes delicious.这汤很可口。

The girl has a taste for music.这女孩对音乐感兴趣。

相关链接:tasty adj.美味的,可口的 a tasty meaI一顿美餐用法拓展:have a taste for对……喜欢 to one's taste按口味.合口味特别提醒;taste作系动词用后面须接形容词作表语;无被动语态和进行时态。


7.fill up with用……装满 eg:

Birds fill up the spaces between the branehes of their nests with soft materials.


相关链接:fuIl“adj.充满的用法拓展:fill…with…用……装满……一be filled with be fuIl of装满……fill in…填入.填空

特别提醒:be filled with用……装满.be fuIl of装满……,这两个短语中特别注意介词,不要用混。

8.set.一aside把……置于一旁.留出,拨出 eg:

Ive set aside some money for this journey.我为这趟旅行存了一些钱。

Let's set aslde our personal feelings.我们先暂时抛开个人情感。

用法拓展:put aside节省(钱,时间).储存……备用

step aslde避开.退让.站到一边take aside把……叫到一边


9.I can't stand.”我不能忍受……eg:she can't startd the pam.她无法忍受那种痛苦。

we can't stand being made fun of.我们无法忍受被别人嘲弄。

用法拓展:can't stand+n /pron 不能忍受……can't stand+doing不能忍受……特别提醒:stand当”承受.忍受”讲.通常用于否定句和疑问句,不可用于进行时,后接名词、代词或动名词。


10.with+0+0C with的复合结构 eg:

with the door open he sIept Iast m’ght.昨天晚上他开着门睡觉。

With the boy leadmg the way.we had no difficulty finding his house.


用法拓展:with+宾语+形容词 with+宾语十副词with+宾语一介词短语with十宾语+现在分词 with十宾语+过去分词 with十宾语+不定式

特别提醒:with后面的宾语和宾补之间若是主动关系,用doing或to do;若是被动关系.则用done。



(1)create指“有目的地把原材料制成新产品”;也指“创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”。 eg:

We've created a new building out of an old ruin.我们从旧废墟上创建了一幢新楼。

(2)invent指“通过想像,研究,劳动,创造出前所未有的东西”,尤指“科技上的发明创造”。 eg:

Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。

(3)make是最常用词,指“用劳动创造、生产、形成或组成”某事物。 eg:

AIl kinds of machine tools are made in this factory.这家工厂制造各种机床。

(4)produce指“通过劳动加工而生产产品”,尤指“工农业产品”。 eg:

We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.我们必须增产食品,减少进口。
