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英文小演讲3分钟文章 篇1

We left, ushered in ignorance of our youth. Youth, let us wantonly, Chang ran his mind, as the freedom to savor the wind, feeling as the cloud itself, because youth has given us the pinnacle of life, we do not mature, we are no longer ignorant, we only have persistence.

Life is the pursuit of the ideal, the ideal life is light, lost its lights, will lose the courage to live. Therefore, only by adhering to the lofty ideals of life, not only in the ocean of life lost. Tolstoy would be an ideal life into an ideal life, a phase of the ideal. The ideal of the year, a month, or even one hour a day, one minute. When you hear here, classmates, do you think of their own ideals?

The flower of life is the spring of life, it is beautiful, but short-lived. As a college student should study hard in this period, to make progress, to find their own piece of the sky. The youth is the hope of the motherland, the future of the nation. Every man is the master of his own tomorrow.

英文小演讲3分钟文章 篇2



梁启超说过:“少年智则国智,少年强则国强。” 在这里我却要大声说:“少年文明,则国家昌盛。”在一个国家中个人是主体,对于个人来说什么最重要呢?我想首先应该是具备文明素质,只有当每一个人都具备了文明素质,那么这个国家的整体素质才能 提高。

曾看到这样一则报道,说的是新加坡,新加坡是一个通用英语的国家,这个国家的公共场所的各种标语大多是用英语书写。但其中的一些文明礼貌的标语,如“不准随地吐痰”、“禁止吸烟”、“不准进入草坪”等却用中文书写。为什么呢?人家回答:“因为有这些不文明行为的大多数是中国大陆的游客。”为此,到新加坡考察的一位中学校长语重心长地说:“不文明行为也是国耻!” 。

以上的事例表明,文明其实是由点滴细节构成的,反思我们的所作所为,可见文明离我们还有一段距离。在我们身边,在一部分同学身上,还存在着一些不文明的行为。例如,在我们的校园内总能见到与我们美丽的校园极不和谐的纸屑,教室里、校园内食品袋随处可见,甚至有的同学认为:反正有值日的同学,扔了又何妨;再例如有的同学下课时追逐打闹,走路推推搡搡习以为常;还有部分同学相互之间讲脏话、粗话,故意损坏学校的公共财物。我们很多同学把文化知识的学习放在首位,而常常忽略了社会公德的培养,文明习惯的养成,而这恰恰从本质上展现出一个人的思想品质。事实上,良好的行为习惯,是保证我们顺利学习的前提,也是树立健康人格的基础。在学校没有良好的行为习惯的同学就可能目无纪律,不讲卫生,扰乱班级的学习环境。相反,如果我们养成了文明的行为习惯,学习环境就一定是良好的、有序的。我们知道:一个学校的学生具有良好的文明行为习惯,才能构建出优良 的学习环境,创设出优良的学习气氛。



英文小演讲3分钟文章 篇3

we were further cautioned today that perhaps these proceedings ought to be delayed because certainly there would be new evidence forthcoming from the president of the united states. there has not even been an obfuscated indication that this committee would receive any additional materials from the president. the committee subpoena is outstanding, and if the president wants to supply that material, the committee sits here. the fact is that on yesterday, the american people waited with great anxiety for eight hours, not knowing whether their president would obey an order of the supreme court of the united states.

at this point, i would like to juxtapose a few of the impeachment criteria with some of the actions the president has engaged in. impeachment criteria: james madison, from the virginia ratification convention. "if the president be connected in any suspicious manner with any person and there be grounds to believe that he will shelter him, he may be impeached."

we have heard time and time again that the evidence reflects the payment to defendants money. the president had knowledge that these funds were being paid and these were funds collected for the 1972 presidential campaign. we know that the president met with mr. henry petersen 27 times to discuss matters related to watergate, and immediately thereafter met with the very persons who were implicated in the information mr. petersen was receiving. the words are: "if the president is connected in any suspicious manner with any person and there be grounds to believe that he will shelter that person, he may be impeached."