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关于发明的英语演讲 篇1

transpositonal considerationGood afternoon, Ladies and Gentleman. Thanksfor raising your attention. Taday, I’ll give you a speechentitled“transpositonal consideration”.

Before starting my speech I would like to ask you a question! Have youheard the saying that What we cannot afford to lose is nothing but innovation.Yes, I have. I’ve always believed it is a truth.

I have heard that three apples changed the world. The first one seducedEve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of SteveJobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple.I imaginelots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just onehand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. Itsomehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else issecondary.

Via question, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start tocreate better life. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success.And no success, no civilization.and the key to succssful innovation is always tobe persistant We try to innovate, maybe we would feel helpless, puzzled, andsad.

However, this is what we must experience. Don't let yourself down! It isinnovation that we cannot afford to lose! That’s all, Thank you!

关于发明的英语演讲 篇2

so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇3

i've always been optimist mybelief creativity intelligence can make worldbetterplace. canremembe i'vealways been mybelief intelligencecan makebetterplace.

alwaysbee belieftha intelligence can canremember, i've loved learning newthings solvingproblems. so when satdown firsttime seventhgrade, clunkyoldteletype machine couldbarely do anything compared computerswe have today.changedmy life.

vealways optimist suppose belieftha intelligence can whenmy friend paulallen startedmicrosoft 30 years ago, we had everydesk everyhome," which probablysounded littletoo optimistic timewhen most computers were webelievedpersonalcomputers would change alwaysbee suppose mybelief intelligence can ma kebetterpl ace. after30 years, seventhgrade.

i've always been optimist supposetha mybelief power creativity betterplace. fo canremem ber, mostincredible tool we can use feedour curiosity helpussolve problems smartestpeople couldn't solve own.

i've always been optimist mybelief power better place. fo canremem ber,computershave transformed how we learn, giving kids everywhere world'sknowledge.they're helping us build communities around thingswe care about stayclosepeoplewho matterwhere are.

i've always been optimist mybelief power creativity intelligence cacanremember, likemy friend warren buffett, feelparticularly lucky dosomethingevery day do.he calls work."my job whatmakes me "tap-dance whenwe show peoplesomething new, like canrecognize your handwriting yourspeech, canstorelifetime'sworth didn'tknow you could do alwaysbee suppose mybelief intelligencecan ma ke betterpl ace. coolthings personcan do otherways we can put ourcreativity improveour world. stillfar too many people worldwhose most basicneeds go unmet. every year, example,millions peopledie from diseasesdevelopedworld.

vealways optimist suppose belieftha intelligence can myown good fortunebrings giveback world.my wife, melinda, havecommitted improvinghealth canhelpmanypeople possible.

i've always been optimist mybelief power better place. fo canremem ber,lesspoignant tragicthan childanywhere else. doesn'ttake much immensedifferencechildren'slives.

i've always been optimist supposetha mybelief power creativity betterplace. fo canremem ber, stillvery much world'stoughest problems happeningeveryday. we're seeing new drugs deadlydiseases, new diagnostic tools, newattentionpaid healthproblems developingworld.

i've al ways been rooted mybel ief creativity canmake heworld etterplace.canre member, throughour natural inventiveness, creativity solvetough problems,we're going makesome amazing achievements mylifetime.

i've al ways been rooted mybel ief creativity canmake heworld etterplace.canre member, 我天生乐观,坚信人类凭创造力和聪明才智可以让世界日益美妙,这一设想一直根植于我的内心深处。

alwaysbee suppose mybelief intelligence can ma ke betterpl ace.自从记事起,我就热衷于接触新事物、挑战难题。可想而知,我上七年级时第一次坐在计算机前是何等着迷,如入无我之境。那是一台锵锵作响的旧牌机器,和我们今天拥有的计算机相比,它相 当逊色几乎一无所用,但正是它改变了我的生活。

i've al ways been rooted mybelief intelligence can make betterplace30年前,我和朋友保罗艾伦创办微软时,我们幻想实现“在 每个家庭、在每张办公桌上都有一台计算机”,这在大多数的计算机体积如同冰箱的尺寸的年代,听起来有点异想天开。但是我们相 信个人电脑将改变世界。今天看来果真如此。30 年后,我仍然象上七年级的时候那样为计算机而狂热着迷。

alwaysbee suppose mybelief intelligence can ma ke betterpl ace.我相信计算机是我们用来满足好奇心及发明创造的最神奇的.工具——有了它们的帮助,甚至是最聪明的人凭自身力量无法应对的难题都将迎刃而解。计算机已经改变了我们的学习方式,为全球各 地的孩子们开启了一扇通向大千世界知识的窗户。它可以帮我们围绕我们关注的事物建立“群”,让我们和那些对自己重要的人保持 密切联系,不管他们身处何方。

i've al ways been rooted mybelief intelligence can make betterplace就像我的朋友沃伦布非一样,我为每天都能做自己热爱的事情而感到无比幸运。他称之为“踢踏舞工作”。我在微软的工作永远充满挑战,但使我一直坚持“踢踏舞工作”的是我们向人们展示 某些新成果的那些时刻,当他们看到计算机能辨认笔迹、语音或者能存储值得保留一辈子的照片时就会赞不绝口:“我不敢相信个人 电脑竟如此万能”。但是,除了能用电脑做出很酷的事情之外,我们还能通过许多别的方式在工作中发挥自己的创造力和聪明才智, 以改善我们的世界。全球仍有许许多多的人连最基本的生存需求都未能解决。举例来说,每年仍有数以万计的人死于那些在发达国家 易于预防和治疗的疾病。

i've al ways been rooted mybel ief creativity canmake heworld etterplace.canre member, 我认为,我所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。我的妻子梅林达和我致力于为尽可能多的人改善健康和教育.

i've al ways been rooted mybel ief creativity canmake heworld betterplace.canrememb er, 作为一个父亲,我认为,非洲孩子死去所引起的痛苦和悲伤丝毫不亚于任何其他的孩子的死亡;我认为,使这些孩子们的命运发生翻天地覆的变化并不费太大力气。

vealways optimist suppose belieftha intelligence can我仍是一个坚定的乐观主义者,我坚信即使世界级难题取得进展都是有可能的——其实每天也都在发生着这种事情。我们看到治疗致命疾病的新药、新的诊断器械不断出现,而且,发展中国家的 健康问题进入了人们的视野并日益得到重视。

i've always been optimist mybelief power creativity intelligence cacanremember, 我为医药、教育,当然还有技术发展的诸多前景而欢欣鼓舞。我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚忍不拔的品格,在我的有生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就

alwaysbee suppose mybelief intelligence can ma ke betterpl ace.

i've alway optimist supposetha mybelief power creativity better place. focanremember.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇4

What qualities do you think a friend should have to continue the friendship? Use specific reasons to support your idea.

In my heart, I think the most important quality to continue the friendship is sincerity. A true friendship must be built on sincerity. However, to continue a friendship is not a easy thing. Both of each other have to pay a lot. The word sincerity contains too much. Firstly, we need to be frank and honest to each other. Only if when we did so can the other side treat us like the same and thus build belief between friends. A friendship full of lies and deceit shouldn't be called friendship. Secondly, we need to be considerable and do not be self-centered. We should think more for our friends and encourage them on certain occasion. A self-centered friend can be very troublesome and annoying. No one would tolerate him for a long time. Finally, I think we should learn to compromise sometimes. We can't live in harmony forever with our friends. When there expose a disagreement, we should compromise to each other. Only by this way can a friendship last long.




关于发明的英语演讲 篇5

Skill comes from practice

During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a skilled archer. One day he drew a big crowd while he was practicing on the drill ground. He shot so accurately that the on-lookers cheered with excitement. He became very proud of his skill. But among the crowd an old oil peddler only nodded his head indifferently. This hurt his Pride.

“Can you do this?” he asked the old oil peddler. “No, I can’t.”

“What do you think of my skill?”

“Just OK, but nothing special. You’ve gained your accuracy from persistent practice. That’s all.”

“What can you do, then?” the old man said nothing. He put a gourd bottle on the ground and covered its mouth with a copper coin. He then scooped out a ladle of oil from his big jar, held it high and began to fill the bottle.

Now, a thread of oil came down from the ladle into the bottle just through the hole of the coin. Everybody looking on watched with amazement. But the old man said, “This is nothing special, I can do this because I have practiced it a lot.” And with these words, he left.

Later, people use this phrase to mean “Practice makes perfect”.










关于发明的英语演讲 篇6

With the development of society, the tourism has already become one style of daily life. More and more people spend their holiday on traveling.

However, the uncivilized behavior in tourism was often exposed by the media. For example, leaving some notes on the sites to express he has been here, but it can damage cultural relic which is always priceless. I remember several months ago, a Chinese tourist left some notes on a relic in Egypt and the relic has a history of more than one thousand years. What a pity! When I heard this thing, I feel very ashamed. Because it will not only tarnish our country’s image but also damage the priceless relic.

Other uncivilized behavior like smoking in public place, throwing garbage anywhere, speaking loudly in public place and jumping a queue will also make a bad impression in the public. But I think these bad habit can be reformed easily if people can realize them.

Yesterday I got a piece of information about uncivilized tourism. The news said that four people have been punished by our country because of their uncivilized behavior in tourism. Their name have been in the blacklist which will keep for five to ten years. So how the blacklist works? Let me tell you. If someone’s name is in the blacklist, it will be forbidden travelling for a period, maybe five years or ten years. I think the blacklist will works well.

Travelling can relax us. But I think civilized tourism can enjoy our life better.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇7

Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.

A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see three

lines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.

We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.

As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in frront of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.”







关于发明的英语演讲 篇8

It is undeniable that the worsening environment has bee the biggest concernof the present-day world。Land resources are dwindling because of water loss andsoil erosion。Waste gases poison the air we breathe。The rivers and lakes arepolluted by waste dumped in them from factories。It is probably no exaggerationto say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens theexistence of mankind itself。

Some people are of the opinion that the environmental problem is the pricewe have to pay for economic development。But I do not think that this argument isvalid。After all, what is the point of economic growth if people’s lives areadversely alfected by worsening environmental pollution?

There is plenty of evidence to show that sustainable development can beachieved by balancing economic growth with protection of the environment。The keyto achieving this is to make people aware of the seriousness of the problem。Bothgovernments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a betterplace to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations。




关于发明的英语演讲 篇9

life on earth are the most valuable things money can not buy, jewelry-for-not go back. life only once, should not renewable and will not re-come. students, and your life has just begun blooming flower, you are prosperous home sustenance, development of the chinese nation are the hope of; your future offspring transmission of both task and maintenance obligations of parents. therefore, you have to cherish life and take care of life, for themselves and for parents, good for homeland alive.

life for each person only once, no life, everything is no-go. therefore, we must firmly embrace the "yes to life, safety first" awareness of construction safety of our campus so that students can grow up healthily.

campus safety relates to our lives and learning potential safety problems have as many as 20 kinds, including traffic accidents, poisoning, fire fire, drowning, sports injury and so on. these are at times a threat to the healthy growth of young students. according to statistics, every year our country has around 16,000 unnatural deaths in the primary, elementary and middle school students because of safety accidents, food poisoning, drowning and other deaths, the average has more than 40 people every day, that is to say every day there will be a class of students at "disappeared." so we not only have safety awareness, and more importantly, prevention awareness and preventive measures. study at daily life, we should note the following:

one, pay attention to safety recess activity. want the students up and down stairs in an orderly manner and must not hurriedly up and down, up and down the stairs right to cultivate the good habit of walking to prevent accidents on campus crowded stampede. rainy at our school buildings and office building corridor, staircase, will be very slippery, please the whole student must light when walking at the foot walk. everyone should pay attention to civilization recess breaks should not chased noisy.

2, it is necessary to pay attention to traffic safety. we must strictly comply with rules of the road, without people to ride, not red light running, horse way to go before crosswalks, it is necessary to take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles. not want to develop the habit of school by bike.

3, pay attention to food safety. not to buy "three noes" of food; we should not be at the school gate and street stalls mobile buy snacks, to prevent food poisoning. to learn how to protect themselves, take care of themselves, pay attention not to overeating, try eating less food cold.

4, it is necessary to pay attention to sports safety. on physical education and extra-curricular activities to prepare before the warming-up, attention should be paid to exercise when not to dramatic collision, so as not to be knocked down or fall.

5, it is necessary to pay attention to internet security. network is a very good learning tool, we can use it to gather information, broaden our horizon. but the network also has a lot of harm, if unhealthy internet browsing web pages, or indulge in unrestrained virtual space, then it will affect our physical and mental health.

6 students for their own actions but also have safety awareness. student encountered at the contradictions between, we want a calm, rational, should not substitute for reasoning with fists, give themselves and their classmates bring about adverse effects. conflict with the people must bear in mind: the broader picture.

teacher and fellow students, only one person's life. a collision, a wrestling are probably the lives of vulnerable people's hard to imagine the harm caused. therefore want to protect their own safety, we comply with the minimum required, the most simple rules and order. let us bear in mind: human life, safety first! let us work together to create a harmonious campus, campus safety!

关于发明的英语演讲 篇10

but the first time that i took my book out of my suitcase, the coolest girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, “why are you being so mellow?“ -- mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of r-o-w-d-i-e. and then the second time i tried it, the counselor came up to me with a concerned expression on her face and she repeated the point about camp spirit and said we should all work very hard to be outgoing.

and so i put my books away, back in their suitcase, and i put them under my bed, and there they stayed for the rest of the summer. and i felt kind of guilty about this. i felt as if the books needed me somehow, and they were calling out to me and i was forsaking them. but i did forsake them and i didn't open that suitcase again until i was back home with my family at the end of the summer.

now, i tell you this story about summer camp. i could have told you 50 others just like it -- all the times that i got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of being was not necessarily the right way to go, that i should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert. and i always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were. but for years i denied this intuition, and so i became a wall street lawyer, of all things, instead of the writer that i had always longed to be -- partly because i needed to prove to myself that i could be bold and assertive too. and i was always going off to crowded bars when i really would have preferred to just have a nice dinner with friends. and i made these self-negating choices so reflexively, that i wasn't even aware that i was making them.

now this is what many introverts do, and it's our loss for sure, but it is also our colleagues' loss and our communities' loss. and at the risk of sounding grandiose, it is the world's loss. because when it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best. a third to a half of the population are introverts -- a third to a half. so that's one out of every two or three people you know. so even if you're an extrovert yourself, i'm talking about your coworkers and your spouses and your children and the person sitting next to you right now -- all of them subject to this bias that is pretty deep and real in our society. we all internalize it from a very early age without even having a language for what we're doing.

now to see the bias clearly you need to understand what introversion is. it's different from being shy. shyness is about fear of social judgment. introversion is more about, how do you respond to stimulation, including social stimulation. so extroverts really crave large amounts of stimulation, whereas introverts feel at their most alive and their most switched-on and their most capable when they're in quieter, more low-key environments. not all the time -- these things aren't absolute -- but a lot of the time. so the key then to maximizing our talents is for us all to put ourselves in the zone of stimulation that is right for us.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇11

Dining safty has long been a major concern of human race, so, how can we assure that we are dinning safely?

As the basic element of dining safty, source of the food is perhaps the most essential issue that we should focus upon, if the raw metrial itself can cause negative effects to the human body, nothing can be done to put it right.

Kitchen hygiene will pehaps be another element that should be taken into consideration, including water source, type of cooking oil,quality of spicery used and blending of cooking material.

To sum up, we have a lot to do to ensure dining safty

关于发明的英语演讲 篇12

Most of people think we can do anything if we have money.If youhave muchmoney, you are thought to be successful.If you have no money, you willbelooked down upon.

Money can make us live a rich life, but not necessarily a happylife.Sometimes some people do some bad things in order to make money.So theyaren'thappy because they are always afraid.

We should make money and spend it in a reasonable way.




Money is necessary in our life.We will have a rich life when we havemuchmoney.

Most of people think we can do anything if we have money.I don't thinkso.Some people aren't happy though they have much money, because their moneyisobtained by unjust means.They always live a frightened life.Money oftenmakespeople do bad things, even illegal activities.

We must make money and spend it in a reasonable way.We will be happy.




关于发明的英语演讲 篇13

Never Put off until Tomorrow What You Can DoToday

We have been told that never put off until tomorrowwhat you can do today since childhood. However,there are still many people who like putting off thethings that should do today until tomorrow.Theyhave no plans for their work and their time. As aresult, they will not accomplish their goals in theend. For example, one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finishmy homework even at night. I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morningso that I could finish my homework before class. But the next morning I was not able to get toschool in time because of the traffic jam. I was punished by the teacher. It taught me a lesson.From then on I made a determination that I would never put off anything important until thenext day. Please remember: Work today, for you don’t know how much you may be hinderedtomorrow. Seize the present day,cherish every minute you have now and trust the tomorrowas little as possible.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇14

Since then, I become a junior high school has a semester. Look back this semester, heart is produced many feeling. This semester experience of each day, already in my heart left permanent marks, because these marks witness I such a new growth. Now I find myself seem to understand a lot of things, but closely studied and not exactly. Perhaps after also will laugh at the small, but now we have to smile back what we pass through the road. The exam, I summarized the following the intravenous drip:

In the study, I know the importance of studying. I think facing knowledge is power, leaving the knowledge will be a useless wreck. High school are learning modern scientific knowledge of the golden age, I should take this opportunity, using knowledge to arm themselves mind, knowledge is priceless.

To arrange time properly adjust schedules, allocation of good study, work, entertainment time. Time is the prerequisite and foundation study, efficiency and method is more important. Next, want to quality and quantity of completed teacher the assignment, seriously exam, pre-exam study hard.

Active reading, expand own aspect of knowledge seize bit time to study. Often raised questions, discussing with classmates, ask the teacher for advice, Well, teacher-student relationship between teachers and students get along closer together, In the mid-term exam, although feel good, but still not ideal place, still need to continue to work hard, losing their own learning. Knowledge has no limits, explore endless, the person's development also no limits, I still have a lot of knowledge to learn.

I want to make sure that future development goal, I also want to have confidence in the future. Of course, this requires painstaking training of teachers and schoolmates sincere help

I have to try.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇15

My favourite season is spring.Spring is a lovely season,I think.There is agarden behind my house.In spring,the trees become green and the flowers give offfragrance.There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers.The butterfliesare dancing and the bees are singing.Sometimes it rains.It usually rainsquietly.The rain moistens the trees and the flowers.I think they may say,“We’revery thirsty.The rain is very good.It can help us.” What a beautiful scene!


关于发明的英语演讲 篇16

Never shall i forget the first english lesson given by miss liu. on thatday, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young and beautifullady with a big smile on her face. then she introduced herself saying that weshould call her miss liu instead of teacher liu, a moment later, she let all ofus go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in english in turn.when it was my turn, i felt so shy and fearful that i didn’t dare to say a wordbefore the class. she came up to me and said kindly, “don’t be afraid. i believeyou can do it. come and have a try.” my face turned red when i heard that. atlast, i went to the blackboard and was able to do it quite well. she praised forwhat i had done. up to now, i can still remember her words in the first englishlesson: “practice makes perfect. don’t lose your courage when you meet withdifficulties. try on and on until you succeed.”

关于发明的英语演讲 篇17

Dear teachers and students:

Good morning / afternoon / evening! My name is Liu zi yuan. The title of myspeech is the relationship between creativity and imagination.


There is no creativity without imagination. With the development of thesociety, creativity becomes more and more important. People could not satisfywith ordinary life. So we need creativity to meet their requirements. We can seesignificance of the creativity from an example. The smart phone—iphone spreadall over the world. That was the creativity of The Apple Inc. It is obvious thatit will produce a bigger profit than common manufacturing. But, hao can weacquire creativity?


I think the creativity roots in imagination. Albert Einstein said thatimagination is important than knowledge. Because we should creative a thing thatis never appeared, we need to image. Use all the things and information aroundus to think and then go to achieve it. Without the imagination of the Wrightbrothers , human could not complete the flying dreams. Without the imaginationof the Alexander Graham Bell, we could not hear the voice from a distance. Ifthe creativity can make the human progress, imagination will be the road tosuccess. Where the imagination come from? Knowledge ? Experience ? practice? Iconsider that all of them are indispensable. It is often said that knowledge ispower. So we should empower ourselves with knowledge. After that we need toobtain experience form. practice. These are the basis, and we must strengthenthem to extend our imagination.


As contemporary college students, we must shoulder the responsibility ofthe future of our motherland. What we need is not only the knowledge of thepast, but also is the innovation of a new field. Our thought can not be bound bythe old things. We should understand that an excellent nation is always full ofcreativity. So we must promote our imagination. There is no creativity withoutimagination. That’s all, thank you!


关于发明的英语演讲 篇18

hello,everybody !it is my great honor to be here to share my idea with you.today,i will talk something about dream——a word that has changed the world.

“what do you think is the word that has really changed our world ”

when i was asked about this question for the first time ,without thinkingit too much ,a word flash into my mind ——dream ,d-r-e-a-m.people more or lessdream about different things ,to be a teacher ,a doctor ,a scientist ,abusinessman and so on .all these people who have dreams should be respected,because dreams make the world go around .we grow great by our dreams.all bigmen are great dreamers in their youth.everyone has a dream ,and everythingstarts as one’s daydream.

martin luther king had a dream.he desired for a future where blacks andwhites would coexist harmoniously as equals.by speaking the way he did,heeducated,he inspired,he informed not just the people there,but people throughoutamerica and unborn generations.he pushed forward the pace of american blacksociety towards the racial equality .

thomas edison had a dream.he dreamed of a lamp that could be operated byelectricity,began where he stood to put his dream into action,and despite morethan ten thousand failures,he stood by that dream until he made it a physicalreality!and today,his dream lights up the world at night.

walt disney had a dream.this,in itself,wasn't unusual -- he was alwaysdreaming.he dreamed of making the first animated feature film,and of building anamusement park that parents could enjoy right along with their kids.walt disneyempowered his dream and today,disneyland,disney world and disney theme parksattract around the world thrill millions of visitors each and every year.

john f.kennedy had a dream.he wanted to land a man on the moon and returnhim safely to earth so as to restore faith in the american way of life.johnf.kennedy empowered his dream and 8 years later neil armstrong stepped on theface of the moon.the moon landing certainly gave americans new foundconfidence.

dream --- a word that has changed the world yes ,i would say so ,wouldn’tyou

youth is a special life relay station ,the growth with the worry ,the lifefeeling become aware happily with the dream ,collected a unique youth melody inhere .

we decide.we choose.and as we decide and choose,so are our lives formed.inthe end,forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.and most importantly,you are the one you choose to be.

it is easy to waste our lives ,our days ,our minutes .it is easy to existthan living .so hold fast to your dreams,for if dreams die,life is abroken-winged bird,that cannot fly.hold fast to your dreams,for when dreamsgo,life is a barren field,frozen with snow.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇19

Twenty years later, I became an inventor.

At that time, I invented many new things. I also invented a car all bycomputer control.

The car there is a kind of safety equipment. It it can fly in the blue sky,also can sailing on the sea, to explore mystery even to the sea bed. I can playchess in the car, watching TV, listening to the radio, chat conversation...

Equipped with all kinds of vehicles and animal sounds, it can talk animalsand vehicles. Activities freely in the nature, it is not affected byanything.

At that time, the lights on the highway, it is a red light, green light andyellow light, without artificial to management. His automobile will bedifference. Car every time to be able to correctly distinguish the three colorsof light.

When driving, you can rest assured. As long as the input some data, it willno longer listen to any instructions will make the car balance. Direction ofturning, it will automatically open lamp tell each other their driving route, toavoid a collision. Someone is coming from the opposite, it beeped tell eachother collision avoidance. If not, it will automatically get out of the way.

Now, I'll tell you about the car of the other features: there is a buttonon the bus. Click on, it will send you some of the things you want to eat anddrink. Eat, you can go to the bed to sleep in the car.

The car's headlights. There are 14 kinds of color of the car headlights. Itwill keep transformation, dazzle you. As long as your in the mind how to think,it will open you want to open the lamp.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇20

What makes ordinary life extraordinary, what makes ordinary people less common, and what makes us good habits? Only one answer is civilization!

Civilization is a beautiful word, and he has given us education "civilized travel", "civilization", set off firecrackers "civilization" and so on many things, but as the changes of The Times, some people call "civilized" gradually forgotten.

China, one of the four ancient civilizations in the history of mankind, is one of the most famous and civilized countries in the world. The world has inherited a great many traditions and virtues. From "kong rong to pear, sima guang" to "chairman MAO's honorist", from "head cantilever, conical stock" to "premier zhou to the rise of China"... As a third grader, I must pass on these spirits and strive to be the vanguard of The Times.

In school, I will listen carefully, study hard, do not do small movements in class, finish homework on time, help classmates sweep the floor, help teachers to draw water, send and receive homework to be good teacher's helper.

At home, I will help my mother sweep the floor, mop the floor, relieve the burden of my mother, and help my father buy things to become a civilized primary school student.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇21

Good afternoon everybody. I’m Alison from GAMI. It’s my honour to standhere to share my understanding of innovation.

About innovation,what comes to your mind firstly ? As for me, mostinnovation shines our lives in the long process of humanhistory. Just imagineten million years ago, what are our ancestors’ lifestyles? They must huntanimals or pick the roots and leaves for food laboriously with simple tools ;They have to roar with each other to communicate in a long distance; Theirtransportation basically rely on walking. In short, their lives are hard,simple, even a little boring. However, taking a look at our lives today! We canorder KFC at home , our food is more easily and diversifiedly to be acquired; wecan get in touch with our friends anywhere at anytime by telephone , E-mailandWeChat! Our vehicles include buses ,cars, planes and so on, it becames soeasy to reach the destination. So how did these happen? Those changes are allowing to the countless innovation. It makes our lives become more convenient,comfortable and colorful.

But in today’s modern life , don’t we need to innovate? No no, let’s have alook at the problems we are facing: air pollution, traffic jam, waste ofresources. Those are related to our survival. Maybe we can make a huge machineto filter the polluted , or invent a car which not only can drive along theroad, but also can fly in the sky; or one day we synthesis super energymaterials, we would never relay on traditional resources any more. Are thoseideas too exaggerated? Who knows? Just as hundreds years ago, nobody can imaginewe can fly by plane. Time will tell you the truth .As Edward, a famouspsychologists, said: Without innovation, there would be no progress, and wewould be forever repeating the same patterns. Therefore, innovation is aneternal topic for people, countries and societies! That’s all, thank u !

关于发明的英语演讲 篇22

in modern life we have many inventions.thesemachines are very useful.theycan make things better and faster than people.a washing machine can help us washclothes.we have more time to do that we want to doduring this time.a printingmachine prints a lot of books,newspapers and other thingsqiickly.buses,bikes,cars,trains,planes and shipshelr us travel faster thanbefore.the compter is wonderful machine.it is one of the most importantinventions.today it is used in many ways.it can store innformations and work outmath problems millions of times faster than a person can.in a few years,thecomputer may touch the lives of everyone.even people in faraway villages.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇23

as we know, you have to learn how to fly much more independently instead of under your parents’ considerate protection when you get into college, which also means you will come across enormous questions that should be solved by yourself. from my point of view, those main problems can fall into three parts.

first of all, the complicated relationship. for one thing, you have to know how cultural differences function in your relationship and respect them. in addition, college students spend less time studying together owing to different courses’ choosing, which requires us to devote more energy to building relationship. for the other thing, it is also vital to communicate with your parents often by using mobile phones or other tools.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇24

I think the most important modern invention is the Internet. With theInternet, we can do many things. For example, we can shop, learn knowledge,listen to music, and watch movies online. The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot ofmoney. We can also post our blogs online so our friends can know what we aredoing by visiting our websites like zuowendidai(Joozone). Internet makes ourlife more exciting and easier.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇25

There is a wisdom called to let go, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a successful selection and composition of 500 15 choice and successful composition 500 words article 15. Some give up, choose more suitable for their goals, may success closer.

Materials thinkers in stork say; "The ability of survival needs more than one! Rabbit cannot learn swimming in school make hole, squirrel learn swimming in school to climb trees!" I think this is right. The swimming may really not suitable for a rabbit if give up swimming, choose to make hole maybe it could be a hole experts; Pine swim, climb a tree, I believe it will do very well.

Have you ever thought when you chase some perhaps that is not suitable for me, consider carefully, choose their own advantage, maybe you will be successful. Just as the thinkers, said the crane, the rabbit learn swimming in school make hole. Know yourself, to choose, advantage is really important.

There is a wisdom called to give up, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a success.

Friends believe that wise to give up, careful choices, will make your life bright.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇26

There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions anddesires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our worldhas moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford tolose.

We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, wecreated fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, fourgreat inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that Chinabecome to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software,products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are notsatisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford todevelop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter wherewe are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for itsintended purpose.If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how tocontact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office andduplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory ofgravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standinghere. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seducedEve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of SteveJobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imaginelots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just onehand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. Itsomehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else issecondary.

Via questioning, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start tocreate better lives. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success.And no success, no civilization. Now, our time is limited, so don't waste itliving someone else's life! Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown outyour own inner voice! Don't let yourself down! It is the innovation that wecannot afford to lose!

关于发明的英语演讲 篇27

my dream home is very big and clean. it has at least five floors and fifteen rooms. on the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. there are no other rooms on the ground floor. my bedroom, study, bathroom are on the first floor. they are all very comfortable. my parents’ room is on the second floor. it’s also very big and clean. my grandparents live with us in this big house, too. their rooms are on the third floor. on the fourth floor, there is a big balcony. i can play games, read books and chat with friends there. i also have a big and nice garden. it is beside the big house. there are many flowers and vegetables in it. it has a big tree. in summer, i can sit under the tree with my family. behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. i can swim with my friends in summer. i think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home.

关于发明的英语演讲 篇28

There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions anddesires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our worldhas moved ahead. This is the word “innovation” that we cannot afford tolose.

We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, wecreated fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, fourgreat inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that Chinabecome to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software,products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are notsatisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford todevelop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter wherewe are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for itsintended purpose.

If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact otherseasily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

If there was no Microsoft, perhaps we still worked in a dim office andduplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton, and no theory ofgravity, maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standinghere. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seducedEve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of SteveJobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imaginelots of people want to become another Newton or Jobs right now with just onehand to change the world, right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. Itsomehow already reflects what you truly want to become. Everything else issecondary.

Via questioning, we can start to innovate. Via innovating, we can start tocreate better lives. No innovation, no improvement. No improvement, no success.And no success, no civilization. Now, our time is limited, so don't waste itliving someone else's life! Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown outyour own inner voice! Don't let yourself down! It is the innovation that wecannot afford to lose!




