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英语演讲范文 篇1

One of my favorite movies growing up was The Wizard of OZ.


Did you ever see it?


In Dorothy's adventures, she was accompanied by theTin Man,who wanted aheart,

在多萝西的冒险故事中, 陪伴着她的是想要一颗心的铁皮人,

the Scarecrow,who wanted a brain,


the Lion,who wanted courage,and her faithful dog Toto.


At certain times in my life,I could relate to each of those characters,


I think we all can,


In fact, that’s probably one of the reasons why the movies are sopopular.


Sometimes we lack something.


Often it's courage.


Because we interact with people all day and we are often forced to be morepublic' than we'd like.


well,we have to muster our courage and perform in front of others,


It could be a job interview. it could be a presentation,


or it could be standing in front of a group and simply introducingyourself.


I think some people are naturally courageous.


They are great at public speaking,


They don't seem to get too nervous,


Others... well, just the thought of speaking in front of others causes themto get butterflies... to break out in a sweat, ...to start stuttering why isthat?


英语演讲范文 篇2

Hemingway often thought of courage as a person's ability to be calm andcontrolled in the face of death.His theme is presented in his novel "For Whomthe Bell Tolls?" the story "The Old Man and the Sea" and in our textbook "ADay's Wait".By misunderstanding a different thermometer the boy thought he wasrunning a high fever and would soon die.But he took his death bravely and waitedquietly for it.The boy showed us he had courage.

I think such a definition ofcourage is far from enough.Courage should not be limited and related only todeath.In ordinary life there are common things that also show a person'scourage.For example,on a bus trip,a thief was trying to steal a girl'spurse.Some people saw it,but kept quiet.They were afraid to be revenged by thethief.The brave stood out and stopped the thief.

Courage means truth andjustice to me.The person in a high position often hear songs in praise ofhim.Some people are sincere.Some are only flattering the superior in their ownfavor.The leader also needs courage to welcome criticism as well as those whohave the courage to criticize him.Such courage may come from mutualunderstanding.I think a man of courage will value truth and justice,and nothesitate in his actions to do what he thinks is right,There is no such word asfear in his dictionary.

英语演讲范文 篇3

Hi everyone,

My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award.

As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is English,

I remembered that when I come here first time, there is a party in the house of my home stay. During the time, they played jokes and they laughed all the time, do you know how embarrassed that is, everyone laughed except you. So I pretend to understand the joke in another party, I saw everyone laugh and I laugh too in 5 seconds later. My home stay was surprised about that and asked me “do you understand?”, and I answered “no”, “So why do you laugh?” ”because I do not want to be embarrassed”!

But as I receive this award today, I want to thank to them, because they encourage me to be involved with the committee rather than staying in at home, play computer and speak Chinese.

When I came to Wantirna College first time, I met liz collar who is international student coordinator. She is very kind to me, and she encourage me join SRC, I went to SRC meetings regularly all the time, but I didn’t even know what SRC was! That is the reason why I told her, I don’t want to go to SRC anymore. But she said “why not? You should go and you have to go!”I asked” why?” she said:” because I said so!”

But as ii receive this award today, I want to thank her. She helps me a lot.

Truth be told, I am not the best student in Wantirna College, but I appreciate this award and I will try my best in future.

I think I got 10 seconds left, I want to thank to Les and Vera who is my lovely home stay, thanks to Liz collar who is international student coordinator, I strongly want to thank to my mother, because she support me and gave me the opportunity to come to Australia. And thanks to Wantinran College, thanks to Australia and finally, thanks to everyone to be here tonight.

Have a great night.

英语演讲范文 篇4

Hello everyone,I'm topic is "we should protect earth". As we all notice,the weather becomes very odd a month like now,it should be quite warm,but I'm still wearing my winter 's still rather cold,which shouldn't happen at this summer it's extremely cold while terribly hot in these factors make earth a unfavourible place to live in.

here you can show some pictures or other materials you have collected. We all know that earth is our common all live in provides us everyting we has been enormously generous to should do our best to care for her. Now before it's too late,I think we should start to take ect the earth starting from you and me,from what we can do instance,ALWAYS throw rubbish in the bin and etc.

Besides,we should try our best to know more about environment protection bad weather has made us suffer a lot.I believe everyone here has the same feeling as mine.I guess that's the price we paid for doing harm to the have nobody but ourselves to blame for that. At last,have you seen the movie"the day after tommorrow"'s a movie about 's a good one and worth to have a look. THANK YOU!

英语演讲范文 篇5

The honorific school leads the teacher, dear classmates:

Hello, everyone!Very happy opportunity have thus attends the student association election!

I am LI3 GUO3, managing to fasten 051 class publicity member of committees of classes.My personality alacrity is bright, deal with affairs calm and steady and resolute, can consider for the interests of the whole.Today I be honored a ground of station very much to express the oneself here already a long time of wishes:I want to campaign to publicizee a minister.I promise formally here:I will make an effort the leadership and classmates of complete the schools to hand over to my mission, making the student association become the aggressive group of a modernization, becoming the school of have to the dint organization of the assistant and the classmates trust.

If I win an election to publicizee a minister, I would further perfect oneself, raise the character that oneself's everyone face, want to further raise own work enthusiasm, treat each matter with the full and hot liver and aggressive mindset, want to further raise the responsibility, in the work the brave innovation, actively enterprising, the open mind studies toward others, wanting to further accept the wise speech, attain wrong change, have the good opinion to accept, insist own principle at the same time.

If I win an election to publicizee a minister, I certainly take" offer the campus, the service classmate" as the aim, real attain to serve for the classmates, representative's the classmateses exercise the legal rights, for the construction of the campus with all one's heart.Before the student association benefits, I insisted to take the benefits of most classmates of school as heavy, is private to made the student association become a student's oneself to manage the oneself with the power 牟 in no case, high autonomy, body now the group of master's spirit.

If a minister of my election publicity:

1.I would sincere patience enthusiasm to raise the prestige of the student association.

2.I return to thinking innovation, actively enterprising, frequently in offer.

3.I will raise the oneself with the actual activity, serving everyone

4.I would opportunity to hold tight, request the oneself strictly, carry on continuously by one's own perfect.

Is a gold will give out light, have no best, only better.I believe in the trust that lead, and each help of minister, under the support and the ego innovations of the classmates will make the work of the publicity been more up one floor.

I know again many brilliant of the intelligence and intense emotion that words also is for an instant only, simple activity just is at successful the fresh flowers of the on the road.I think that the certain speech of words that I win an election goes necessarily, go necessarily fruit.

This is my commitment of today, the activity is the best method that is use to prove everything.

Today I attend to campaign this time with the mood of the matchless concussion, the confidence that embraces to win necessarily steps on the platform, the confidence take real strenght as antecedent.

The end from the bottom of the heart hopes to be each and can back me up, encouraging me.The send me am LI3 GUO3.My lecture complete, thanks!

英语演讲范文 篇6

If there are a bunch of good and bad oranges, you should eat good oranges and throw away bad oranges; if you first eat bad oranges, good oranges will deteriorate, and you will never eat good oranges, life is also the case. Oranges are not the only fuit .It means that there are a lot of good things in life, we cant only pursue the only one.

It tells us that people should know how to give up the bad and cherish the good. "If you cry only by missing the moon, then you will also miss the stars. "Everyone must know how to forget the past and cherish the present, because now is the most important.

Everyone has the past, or happy, or sad. However, the past is only in the past, we cannot go back to the past and bury it deeply in our heart. Most of the time we live in the sun, living in the crowd. Only by knowing how to give up the past we can go further forward. We will always keep optimistic attitude to face all, and we will have great courage in the struggle on the road of life.

英语演讲范文 篇7

“Never give up” can be very encouraging words, but the majority ofyoungsters are likely to give up regardless when dealing with the ordinarydifficulties of life. As one example, many young people are reluctant tocontinue their English study when they feel difficulty learning new words. Butif one takes “never give up” as a motto, possibilities and opportunities areexpanded。

It is true that giving up may make things temporarily easier, but whatcannot be denied is that new opportunities arise from perseverance. Never givingup can expand one’s possibility for success. When confronted with somethingunknown, a little bravery can result in the possibility of success, like whenDr. Fleming discovered penicillin. Meanwhile, the sense of never giving upenhances one’s self-confidence. This makes one more likely to try new things,opening up even more new opportunities. It can even be a benefit to personalrelationships。

In view of all factors, never giving up is crucial to the pursuit ofdreams. Even though toils lie in the way, success is at the other end.

英语演讲范文 篇8

catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart.

take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle beforeyou. always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commityourself to it. though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams,rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

accept the fact that not ev eryone is going to approve of the choicesyou've made. have faith in your judgment. catch the star that twinkles in yourheart and it will lead you t o your destiny's path.

follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. takepride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yo ur dreams.understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them di scourage you.

value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you trulyunique. the greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hardwork and determination.

find the star that twinkles in your heart?for you alone are capable ofmaking your brightest dreams come true. give your hopes everything you've gotand you will catch the star that holds your destiny.To conquer our fears, we must go past them.


To fear is natural; to go past them is heroic. Fear is a normal part oflife, symbolizing that there are new, extraordinary things to come across andface. To be able to see these things before they happen is a sign of wisdom.Fear is nothing out of the ordinary. To admit that we are fearing is to provethat we value our life.


And men should pay attention to the call of fears. To truly be a leader orsomeone who is heroic and brave, we should focus on getting past these fears.And it is frightful for people to go through life ignoring fears, because theymay often forget their heart and step into life without responsibility.


To be born is to live. To live is to fear. To fear is to be challenged. Toaccept our fears is to be mature. It needs bravery, maturity and vitality toface our fears, accept the challenges and hope for the best.


英语演讲范文 篇9

Hi, everyone, my name is __. I’m _ years old .Today I will tell you mydream.

My dream is to be an astronaut to the moon in the future. I want to go tothe moon because the moon is very beautiful, I like it. Second, on the moon, Ican fly in the space without plane. Third, I want to research minerals to helpthe people on the earth. Some minerals are very rare on the earth, but I canfind more on the moon. Some minerals people use them too much so that only a fewleft, I can find more on the moon. This is the most important reason for me tobe the astronaut.

How can I be an astronaut? Firstly, I can read some books about the spaceand the moon. Secondly, I can learn hard now to get more knowledge. Ne_t, Ishould have a healthy body. I will eat more healthy food, like rice, vegetablesand fruits. And I will eat less unhealthy food, such as candies and snacks. Ialso need do e_ercise to be stronger and thinner. At last, I can help othersfrom now on. I can help teachers clean the classroom. When the classmates havesomething they don’t know, I can tell them. I can help my parents too; I will domore things by myself. I believe my dream can come true when I grow up. When Ibecome the astronaut, I can also take you to the moon, do you like it? Thankyou.

英语演讲范文 篇10

dragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival,is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month ofthe chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] ithas since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well,most notably korea.

the e_act origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holdsthat the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring statesperiod. he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he wasdisgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing himto be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes toprevent them from eating qu's body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried toscare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and thefierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as"poets' day", due to qu yuan's status as china's first poet of personalrenown.

today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes)and race dragon boats in memory of qu's dramatic death.意思是:端午节,往往被称为端午节或段吴节,是一种传统的中国节日举行的第5天的第5个月对中国的日历。它也被称为双五分之一。 [引文需要],它已被庆祝,以各种方式,在其他部分的东亚地区,以及,最显着的韩国。


在最初几年,中国共和国,段武也庆祝“诗人节” ,由于屈原的地位,作为中国的第一诗人的个人名声。


英语演讲范文 篇11


In20__, I will be9years old. Many people might say: You are too young to do anything for the Games, but I don’t think so. I am sure I can do a lot for the event.

First, I have the duty to keep our city clean and tidy. I will neither litter nor spit on streets. When I see any waste, I will pick it up and put it into the dustbin. If everybody in Beijing does the same thing, foreign visitors will see a beautiful and clean city.

Next, if I am lucky to go and watch the games on the spot, I will cheer for the players from all over the world.

Last, I hope everybody will smile at foreign visitors. Smile is the best card for Beijing, foreign visitors will feel at home here.

“One world, one dream!” Let’s work together to let the dream of Olym true! Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to China!

英语演讲范文 篇12

Today, I speak from this podium a final time as your president. As I depart, I want to thank all of you - students, faculty, alumni and staff - with whom I have been privileged to work over these past years. Some of us have had our disagreements, but I know that which unites us transcends that which divides us. I leave with a full heart, grateful for the opportunity I have had to lead this remarkable institution.

今天,我将以校长的身份,最后一次在这个讲台上演讲。即将离任前,我要感谢诸位学生、教师、校友和员工,而且非常荣幸在过去的5年里能与你们共事。我们中的一些人意见不尽相同, 但是,我知道,我们的共识远远超越分歧。我心满意足的离开哈佛,感激你们给我机会领导这所杰出的学府。

Since I delivered my inaugural address, 56 months ago, I have learned an enormous amount—about higher education, about leadership, and also about myself. Some things look different to me than they did five years ago. The world that today’s Harvard’s graduates are entering is a profoundly different one than the world administrators entered.


It is a world where opportunities have never been greater for those who know how to teach children to read, or those who know how to distribute financial risk; never greater for those who understand the cell and the pixel; never greater for those who can master, and navigate between, legal codes, faith traditions, computer platforms, political viewpoints.


It is also a world where some are left further and further behind - those who are not educated, those trapped in poverty and violence, those for whom equal opportunity is just a hollow phrase.


Scientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.


At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.


Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 9/11, avian flu, and Iran remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.


Our world is bursting with knowledge - but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd out essays, and when individual lives grow more frenzied, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.


For all these reasons I believed - and I believe even more strongly today - in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.


Universities are where the wisdom we cannot afford to lose is preserved from generation to generation. Among all human institutions, universities can look beyond present norms to future possibilities, can look through current considerations to emergent opportunities.


And among universities, Harvard stands out. With its great tradition, its iconic reputation, its remarkable network of 300,000 alumni, Harvard has never had as much potential as it does now.


And yet, great and proud institutions, like great and proud nations at their peak, must surmount a very real risk: that the very strength of their traditions will lead to caution, to an inward focus on prerogative and to a complacency that lets the world pass them by.


And so I say to you that our University today is at an inflection point in its history. At such a moment, there is temptation to elevate comfort and consensus over progress and clear direction, but this would be a mistake. The University’s matchless resources - human, physical, financial - demand that we seize this moment with vision and boldness. To do otherwise would be a lost opportunity. We can spur great deeds that history will mark decades and even centuries from now. If Harvard can find the courage to change itself, it can change the world.

今天,哈佛正处于其历史的转折点。此时此刻的自然倾向是,把贪图舒适和随波逐流留凌驾于进步和方向性之上,但,这可能是错误的。大学无与伦比的资源 ——人力、物力、财力——要求我们远见卓识和勇敢地抓住这个时机,否则,将会坐失良机。我们能推动将会被历史永世铭记的伟大的事业。如果哈佛能找到勇气来改变自己,它就能改变世界。

英语演讲范文 篇13

Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor.When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thoughtthey were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion,doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.I wantto be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so muchprofessional knowledge and there is a long way to go. So I have to try my beston my study and go to a good college.

英语演讲范文 篇14

It’s our duty to protect our environment. More and more people ride bikeswhen they go out nowadays. It’s helpful to keep the air clean.

I usually ride to school. I only take a bus on a rainy day. On my bicycle Ican breathe the fresh air and do some exercise to keep healthy. On the otherhand, I can keep away from the traffic jam and make sure I can arrive at schoolon time. To my joy, I can also do a bit for keep the air clean by riding abicycle.

I hope everybody will join us and take care of our environment in this way.I believe the air around us will be cleaner with the help of us all.

英语演讲范文 篇15

Tell everyone a good news, our school will be held in the cover letter middle school art festival!

20 year January 12 (Thursday), my left hand holding a pink festival invitation, right hand holding to show our classmates come on drum strength son, set foot in the cover letter with aflame mood high school gate.

When I walked into the cover letter middle school auditorium along with the crowd, I saw the familiar faces -- my classmates. They each person's face is permeated with the sense of excitement, may be because the long-expected festival had finally arrived!

After long prologue in school, we began our festival finally!

First is in grade one students into the ceremony of the young pioneers. Such as the three senior classmates after the red flag up, began to swear. In the oath, the classmates all looked attentive, very serious. And then, under the leadership of the brigade of counselors, we sang young pioneers team song.

The festival programmes have varied, with singing, dancing, recitation, singing, wind... We have too many things to see. Show a than a fascinating, the audience's applause and cheering. Among them, my favorite, is the wind.

Band's classmates play is jay Chou's "chrysanthemum Chinese Taiwan" and "cowboy busy". The classmates in focus at the play, blow the two songs very good to listen. Their usual practice ability show incisively and vividly.

You missed such a wonderful festival, have you?









英语演讲范文 篇16





Life is like a ship sailing at sea. The vessel will not get lost, becausethere is immortal route; the vessel will not sink, because there is a lighthouseguide ... ... However, only the route and the lighthouse is not enough! Tomaster their own life, live out their own style, it is necessary The captain ofhis own life!

When the amazing waves hit the vessel, when the cold wind swallowed theship, when the violent rain raging the ship. The captain is still calmlycommanding the rescue, eyes only hope and success, it is not arrogant, butself-confidence and firm expression! He does not allow the crew panic, but donot allow their cowardice!

Wait until the next day, the vessel is safe. The captain's face more than acircle of tired, is still a calm appearance, no success of joy, there is nocomplaint of the shipwreck.

Hugo's Captain Halvey believes that you must be familiar with it! You cangive your own life in order to fulfill your duties. This is how much courage youhave! And we do not need to sacrifice our own life. The wind rudder, in front ofdifficulties to keep smiling, so difficult to understand, and never give up. Aslong as this can be happy life!

英语演讲范文 篇17

We live in Beijing, and the environment in Beijing is directly related to our existence!

But Beijing's environment is very bad now, such as: poor air quality, less plants, sewage, garbage dump more problems etc. These people are not enough to bring a devastating disaster, such as: dust storms, floods, ground subsidence, etc.

Here I call on you: to protect the environment in Beijing is to protect the homes we live in. I would like to propose several initiatives:

If there is no urgent business, it is better not to drive a motor vehicle, walk or ride a bicycle! This protects the air quality.

Take part in tree-planting activities and cut down trees. That will give Beijing a green color.

When we discharge the sewage, we should not enter into the river, we'd better get in the drain. This will solve the problem of more sewage.

The garbage is dumped in the designated dump, allowing the designated personnel to handle it. This way, the garbage can not be polluted to the environment.

Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. Maybe we can't change the bad environment in Beijing all at once, but we can start the next bit!

I remember one time I was walking by the river. Suddenly an aunt was preparing to pour the sewage into the river by the river. A green worker rushed over to stop her and told the aunt she had a lot of green knowledge. The aunt was so ashamed that she hurried away.

Not only the green uncle, but also I was once a "environmentalist".











英语演讲范文 篇18

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

my name is , i’m a lovely girl. i’m from zhangcun primary school. today,it’ s my great honor to be here. the title of my speech is “to be a goodtraveler”.

i love traveling very much. i’m so exciting to visit different places. it’sa good way to make new friends. moreover, it’s like reading a book.

yes, i love traveling. but i hate to see that environment has changed worseand worse. many unknown places are built into resorts, trees are cut down,rivers and lakes are polluted.

but to our delight, our government has become more and more concerned withthe protection of the environment.

the government has been doing a great job. and what about us? what shouldwe do? it’s just one step to take, for you, for me, for everyone. if everytourist uses less plastic bags, how much white pollution would disappear; ifeveryone tries to reach one place of interest on foot, how much clearer the skywould be; and if no guest asks the hotel to change towels every day, how muchless detergent would be drained.

it is not difficult, right? it’s just as simple as the famous slogan,“please take away nothing but your smile, and leave behind nothing but yourfootprint.” i believe that we all love our earth. so, now let’s turn our passionin to action. if not us, who? if not now, when?

thank you very much for your attention.

英语演讲范文 篇19

What is a smile? Some people say that the expression is the heart. I think that smile is a heart, is a strong It is a detached charm; smile is a grace, it has a warm and friendly, with acceptance and caring, with tolerance and open-minded with a relaxed and optimistic. Therefore, in working and living in a smile treat everyone around them has become my greatest wish. I smiled through every day.

Every day, I smile, I love the education of students. Early in the morning, accompanied by sun, we are ushering in a group of group of students, they have lovely, and some naughty naughty, some clever, some wood satisfied, ... ..., no matter who, no matter what he is from the family, No matter how his performance, I smiled and treat each of them.

Mischievous and occasionally also to blame, because of deterioration and while the loss due to discipline, but the office really does not keep ideas and personal considerations, the children will really be you, bit by bit to see their progress, you will more to bloom broad smiles on their faces.

Normal years, no matter what kind of class, as a teacher, guides the efforts of the children's mental and physical immersion in between the lines, so that high-spirited children from the passion straightforward, and so it goes, teachers and students do not stress and worry, so naturally, such a statement to the words to, so that the soul of the teachers and students mingled with the class as What is Education?

His seventeen years of education told me that education is a dynamic process of human spiritual encounter and dialogue. Education is looking forward to that education is in hand, education is the clarity, education is exciting, full of education with regards to the truth, education filled with smiling faces. The face of my students, I would like to smile every day.

Every day, I smile, to live together with my colleagues. People encounter is a margin of its own. Moreover, today, we have a common cause to come together, how can we not smile to cherish? Smile is the一泓spring water from the bottom of my heart, the soul of a tacit understanding friends, and strangers is to shorten the distance.

In November, I bid farewell to each other overnight partner, leaving the plants in the chest clear Xinzhuang Town primary school, went to a new collective --- a small aircraft to China. Lonely? Regret it?

When friends heard of the sorry and asked with concern, I always smile to tell you: all could hang good! School teachers and soon familiar, it's a sincere heart to the smiling face of a sincere life, in the face of work: Every day, we smiled and talked about the cause of the school, the school's development, all other schools; a smile on the shuttle classrooms, inter-office, even though every day seems to have endless things busy, but its music also fills the air with warmth! I am happy, I smile.

Every day, I smile to face itself. I think that there is no heart murmur smile flow, there will be no free and easy life. ,

Functions, regardless of how high or how inconspicuous impressive, I do not have the time ecstasy, nor dismissive of secretly laughing, I smiled frankly accepted the blessing of his companions.

I know that school is my lucky love, duty and destiny of the appointment is lucky, I have to smile thanks to all! Difficulty comes, I have discouraged, but also thought of retreat, but in the end I was the courage to meet the challenges of a smile, because I believe that with a smile the face of suffering, then tomorrow, if you will like the bright smile today. Nevertheless, every day, every day, I also can not own them smile?

Teachers with a sincere smile treatment of students, to treat themselves, to treat everyone around you, we will have a life unmatched beauty and free and easy. Let us hope that smiled torch, go together like a glorious tomorrow, let us smile, the life of a brilliant show shine. Dear teachers, please let a smile every day!