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《Friendship》教案 篇1

大家好!今天我说课的内容是高一英语新课程实验教科书必修1 Unit One, The first period。下面我就从教材分析、教法分析、学法分析、教学过程、教学评价五个方面进行说明。









技能目标:1、学会阅读的技能——scanningand skimming 。








重点:1、训练scanningand skimming等阅读技能。













一节课的良好开始,对于整节课教学的顺利进行起着至关重要的作用。在Warming up 部分我分四步进行:

1、用问问题的形式导入(屏幕显示)。同时板书Unit 1 Friendship。

Do you have any friends? Are you good to your friends?

Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend?

2、做调查:在Warming up部分有5个问题,我让学生独立完成。然后在屏幕上显示下列表格。


Grade 1 (5分以下) 直截了当,做事果断,没考虑不良后果。

Grade 2 (10分以下) 能用更合理的方法处理问题,又不伤朋友之间的感情,但自己的利益有时会受损。

Grade 3 (10分以上) 不伤感情,又能保全自己利益。



A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。

Real friends are few and far between. 知音难得。

Long distance separates no bosom friends. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。





Why do you need friends?

What do you think a good friend should be like?

Does a friend always have to be a person?

Friendship教案 篇2

period 2   reading “anne’s best friend”

1. teaching objectives:

1) to develop the students’ reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and so on;

2). to get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship, and to tell true friends from false friends;

3). to grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage, such as on purpose, be crazy about etc.;

4). to learn the writing style of this passage.

2. teaching method: task-based teaching

3). teaching procedures:

step 1.pre-reading

1. please enjoy three pieces of music and find out what they are about.

2. does a friend always have to be a person? what else can be your friend?

3. what do you know about the world war ii?

4. background introduction

step 2 fast reading

1. who is anne?

who/what was anne’s best friend?

when and where did the story happen?

2. fill in the form below.

the time of the story

the place of the story

the heroine of the story

anne’s best friend

the length of time they hid away

the date of the diary

step 3. careful reading

1. answer the following questions:

why did anne made her diary her best friend?

what is an ordinary diary like according to anne? what about her diary?

why was she so crazy about things to do with nature?

why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening?

why didn’t she dare open the window when the moon was too bright?

how do you understand the expressions “spellbound” and “held me entirely in their powder”?

2. reading to summarise the main idea of each paragraph.

skim the text and summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence.

para. one: anne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everything.

para. two: anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time.

para. three: having been kept indoors for so long, anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature.

step 4 post-reading

1. comprehending exercises   (on paper)

time  nature  feeling

before hiding

after hiding

2. discuss what kind of feelings of anne the following words from the letter imply.

words anne’s feeling

nature free, peaceful, relaxed

outdoors free

crazy anxious, eager, thirsty

didn’t dare scared, frightened

thundering, entirely, power helpless, depressed, lonely

step5. activity

four students a group to discuss the situation:

suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. during the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. your group can take 5 things with you.

what will you take? why?

how will you spend the 3 months?

how will you treat each other and  make friends ?

step 6. homework

1. review the important words,  phrases and difficult sentences in the text and make sentences using the words given by the teacher.

2. finish ex.1-3 on p4.

Friendship教案 篇3

module 2 friendship教案

一。  教学内容:

module 2 friendship

二。 重点内容:



三。 具体内容:



放在动词后面做宾语的句子,我们称之为“宾语从句”。宾语从句根据其表达意义与疑问的差别可以分作三类,一类由that引导,一类由whether/if引导,还有一类由疑问词引导。常用作宾语从句的连词有:that, if whether, what, which, who, whom, where, how, why等。

1. 当谓语动词表示肯定概念时,如“希望”、“相信”“知道”“说”,其后面的句子一般用that引导。that没有任何词汇意义,只有语法功能,使读者清楚后面的句子是前面动词的宾语。that在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接主句和从句的作用。that不用翻译出来,在口语当中常省略。除此以外,又语从句中有自己的主语,很容易与前面的主句分开,因此多数情况下that可以省略。如:

betty thinks(that)trees improve the air.


i hope(that)it will snow this winter.


i believe(that)we’ll become good friends.


有一点要注意,并非所有的动词后面都可接that引导的从句。接that引导的从句的谓语动词不可含有疑问的含义,常见的多是表示观点、看法、意念、要求等方面概念的词,如:believe, feel, hear, hope, expect, explain, prefer, promise, report, say, see, tell, think, understand, wish, warn等。

2. whether/if 引导的宾语从句

如果我们要标达一个不确定的概念,比如:“记不清”、“不知道”、“问”、“想知道”等等,就要用whether/ if 表示,不能再用that。

he doesn’t know whether they will plant trees on saturday or not.


i can’t remember whether/if i have seen him before.


he asks whether/ if we will go fishing on sunday.


tom wants to know whether/ if he needs to come early tomorrow.


注意:一般情况下if和whether可以通用。但如果从句后面还有一个选择性词语or not,则常用whether,构成 whether…or not的结构。

3. 疑问词引导的宾语从句



he asks how we can help protect the environment.


i can’t understand why they like computer games so much.


they haven’t decided where they should go for the holiday.


do you know when we will hold the sports meeting?



1. —do you know ______ i could pass the exam?

—sorry, i’ve no idea.

a. that  b. whether  c. what   d. which

2. —i’m waiting for the mail. do you know _______ it will arrive?

—usually it comes by 4:00.

a. how  b. where   c. when   d. what

3. i’d like to know _____ or not.

a. whether will he come     b. whether has he come

c. whether he will come     d. that he will come

4. they asked me ________ during the may day holidays.

a. where had i gone     b. where i had gone

c. where had i been      d. where i had gone

5. she did not tell us ________.

a. how old the patient is     b. how old was the patient

c. how old the patient was    d. how old is the patient

6. —we don’t know _______ he is.

—they say he is much better these days.

a. what   b. who    c. how   d. where

7. could you tell me _____ yesterday?

a. what they do      b. what they did

c. what do they do      d. what did they do

8. i knew that the sun ________ in the east when i was a child.

a. will rise  b. rose   c. rise   d. rises

9. she said ______ she would leave the message on the headmaster’s desk.

a. that   b. where   c. which   d. what

10. the man asked me if i _______ him the way to the bus stop.

a. can tell  b. could tell   c. will tell  d. tell


1. dig slowly, or you‘ll be too tired to finish.


* 本句是“祈使句+or+并列分句”的句型,or连接连个分句,前面的分句相当于if引导的否定性从句。如:

hurry up, or you’ll be late.

= if you don’t hurry up, you will be late.


take the chance, or you will regret.

=if you don’t take the chance, you will regret it.


stand still, or i’ll shoot.

=if you don’t stand still, i’ll shoot.

* 有时前一个句子只有一个名词或名词短语。

a word from you and he’ll change his mind.

=if you say a word, he’ll change his mind.


one more foul and he’ll be sent out of the court.



work hard and you’ll succeed.

= if you work hard, you’ll succeed.


stir,and you are a dead man.

=if you stir, you are a dead man.


* too…to意为“太……而不能……”,其句型结构为“too+形容词/副词+to+动词原形”,该句型用于肯定句,但表达否定的意思。如:

he is too old to walk.


it’s too hard for him to learn english well.


the box is too heavy for me to carry.


* 当too…to do前面有only,but等词时,或出现“never too…to do”或“too…not to do”的双重否定时,该句型就不表达否定含义了。如:

it’s never too old to learn.


you are never too old to enjoy the music.


2. we’re cutting down too many trees.


* cut down 此处意为“砍倒”

a quarter of the forest reserves had been cut down by 1974.


how much is it going to cost us to cut all these trees down?


* cut down可意为“削减”“减少”,如:

save time for yourself by cutting your shopping down to twice a week.


she cut down on smoking.


* cut down可以表示“改短(衣服)”

if you cut down this t-shirt, it’ll fit your son.


* cut someone down to size 表示“使(某人)知道自己的分量”“使(某人)有自知之明”。

that should cut her down to size.


Friendship教案 篇4

writing: comparison and contrast

language objective:

to learn expressions that help make comparison and contrast

skill and ability objectives:

to write a paragraph with sentences of comparison and contrast

to develop reading and communication skills


task-based approach




i. lead-in

learn the respective concept of “comparison” and “contrast”

ii. input

find transitional words of comparison

paraphrase tasks

find transitional words of contrast

paraphrase tasks

practice: blank filling

iii. practice

make sentences of comparison and contrast, using transitional words

iv. further development

read two resumes and finish the form

write a short paragraph, using comparison and contrast

v. homework

complete a report

mary brown

493 prince street,

boston, ma, usa

ph: 617-739-2111


-: b. sc. (bachelor of science理学学士) in mathematics, harvard university

boston, ma, usa

work experience:

– edwards middle school, boston, ma, usa:

 mathematics teacher, teaching students from 13 to 15 years old;

 assistant of dean(教务主任助理), dealing with foreign exchange activities, including establishing sister relationships with middle schools in shanghai, china

computer skills:

java, word, excel, powerpoint

additional information:

 highly dedicated, with great interest in teaching

 good communication skills

tom brown

493 prince street,

boston, ma, usa

ph: 617-739-2111


 -: m. sc. (master of science理学硕士) in mathematics, boston college

boston, ma, usa

 1999-: b. sc. (bachelor of science理学学士) in mathematics, boston college

boston, ma, usa

work experience:

  –   mathematics teacher of edison middle school, boston, ma, usa:

teaching students from 16 to 18 years old

computer skills:

autocad, photoshop, word, excel, powerpoint

additional information:

 highly dedicated to teaching

 good writing,oral and communication skills

april 2nd,

dear principal,

an american couple tom brown and mary brown happen to apply for the english teaching position in our school.

as far as education is concerned, both tom and mary are mathematics majors. however, unlike mary, who has a bachelor’s degree, tom is a master of science. tom graduated from boston college, while mary studied in harvard university.

in terms of work experience, _______________________________


as for their computer skills and personality, ___________________


all in all, both of them are really competitive. please inform me when you decide who is to be recruited(录用).

sincerely yours,


Friendship教案 篇5

module 3  period i教学案

introduction(p29), vocabulary and reading(p36) and writing(p38)

learning aims:

1. understand the friendship and know the importance of friendship.

2. master the main words and expressions.

3. write a paragraph on the subject of friendship.

difficulties and focuses:

1. get to know and understand the importance of friendship.

2. master the words: alike, considerate, forgive, harvest, slide, stony, damp, tear, perfect.

3. master the expressions: be blessed with, be allergic to---, on good terms with----, be back in touch with ----, be ashamed of.

4. master the patterns: the first time-----, it is -----that----.

teaching aids:


teaching procedures:

step i: warm-up.

ask a question about friendship. let the students talk something about it.

step ii: lead-in.

1.do you agree with the following statements?

1) most people have only one close friend, someone they know really well.

2) a good friend is someone you can discuss personal matters with, knowing that you can trust him/her.

3) your friendship is as important as your relationship with your family.

4) it takes time to really get to know someone and find out what they are like.

5) everyone feels shy and lonely at some time in their life.

6) to make friends easily, you need to be very kind.

7) to make friends easily, you need to be able to chat about unimportant things.

2. work in pairs or groups. discuss the statements and explain why you agree or disagree with them.

step iii: vocabulary and reading

1. read the passage and choose the best summary in activity 4.

2. according to the context, try to guess the meanings of these words: betray, considerate, forgive, scold, allergic.

3. read the passage again and answer the questions.

1) what do you think a happy childhood means for the writer?

2) how did the writer and his friend spend their time together?

3) what was the countryside around the writer's home like?

4) why do you think the writer couldn't forgive danny for going to london?

5) how does the writer feel now?

6) how would you describe the character of the writer and his friend?

4. work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions.

1) did you have a close friend when you were a young child? what sort of things did you do together?

2) are you still in touch with his this person? if so, have you remained in touch all the time? if not, when did you lose touch? did something special happen which changed your friendship?

3) what are the most important features of a good friendship? what are the dangers?

step iv: several points. try to use these sentence patterns to make sentences.

1 the first time -----

2 it is ----- that-----

step v: homework.

according to the reading passage, write a paragraph in the subject: how -----and i became good friends.