首页 > 语文作文 > 作文体裁 > 日记 > 2021父亲节英文日记实用5篇正文





Today is fathers day. Im going to buy a gift for my dad with my pocketmoney, so I "kill" the little fat piggy bank.

I walked into the room and said to my father, "dad, I broke something."Father got angry, blew his beard and stared, and he kicked me in the ass withoutsaying a word. I was kicked out.

I took my pocket money and didnt go back to the shoe store. At the shoestore, I said to my bosss shoes, "buy an adults shoes." The boss say: "you are achild, how can buy adults shoes?" I told my boss it was for my father. The bossasked me again, "how big is your fathers foot?" I turned my butt up and showedhim the footprints of my father. The boss was surprised at first, but heimmediately responded, laughing and saying, "youve got your size on yourass."





Yesterday �was Father's Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn't �remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I �decided to buy something. When I was in the department store,I found it was not �easy for me to choose something right for him. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran �home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the �Internet. Then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad �to find a big meal on the table. Then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was �amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.


What �a wonderful surprise!



Dear �John,�

It’s Father’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it? I think we should �do something to show our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and �I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready �to help me. Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best �wishes on it. Then I will help him wash the car this afternoon and cook his �favorite food in the evening. Besides, I’ll take a walk with him after dinner �and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I’m sure he’ll be very �happy. What’s your plan for Father’s Day? I’m looking forward to hearing from �you. Yours,


今天是父亲节。它是一个特别的日子, 不是吗? 在这个特别的日子我认为我们应该做一些事情来向我们的父亲表达我们的爱。我的爸爸和我是好朋友。不论我什么时候遇到困难, �他总是在那里准备帮助我。今天, 我将为他制作一张漂亮的卡片, 在上面写上我的谢意和最美好的祝愿。然后下午我将帮助他洗汽车, 在晚上做他最喜欢吃的食物。此外, �晚饭后我将和他散步, 然后和他下象棋, 因为他非常喜欢下象棋。我确信他将非常高兴。你的父亲节计划是什么? 我期盼着你的来信。


Tomorrow is fathers day, and my fathers busy figure is shaking in front ofmy eyes, how can I express my love for my father? Id like to go, oh, yeah, thatsthe way to do it.

Fathers day came, and I said to my mother, "mom, today is fathers day. Letsgive dad a surprise." "Mom said," ok." I put it on my mothers ear and whispered,"we are..."

My mother and I messed up the house, as if we didnt know anything. Dad wenthome, looked at his house and asked, "do you know what day it is?" My mothersaid, "let me see, is the world anti-drug day?" "No." Dad pointed to the day onthe clock. I cried out, "its our banjis birthday!" Dad listened, as if his heartwere broken.

Baba bowed his head and entered the room. My mother and I broke into theroom and said, "happy fathers day!" Then my father hugged me and mom, and we alllaughed.

This is my happiest day of the year.



我和妈妈把家里弄乱,好像什么都不知道。爸爸回家了,看了看家里,问:“你们知道今天是什么日子吗?”妈妈说:“让我想想,是世界禁毒日吗?”“不是。”爸爸指了指钟表上的日子。我大声说道:“是我们班季彦良的生日!”爸爸听了,好像心都碎了。   爸爸低着头,走进了房间。这时,我和妈妈闯进了房间里,同声说:“父亲节快乐!”这时,爸爸一把抱住了我和妈妈,我们都笑了。




This year's father's day, I finally feel that I'm not around my parents,how much I miss them. It's like several years. I guess I miss them too much. Doyou miss me? In a flash, I grow up. Time is really fast. Because of this,sometimes I think of my childhood.


I still remember when I was a child, you took me on a bicycle and gallopedin the fast lane just for fear that I would be late for school to catch the busI wanted to take; you also remembered that I forgot to take my homework, youwere afraid that the teacher would scold me, no matter how busy or how bad theweather was, you would come to the school to send it to me; you also rememberedthat in primary school, the teacher said you were a model parent; Remember thatwhen I was sick and had stomachache, I cried to ask you to knead my belly for mein the middle of the night, and you would be sleepy to sleep, but you wouldimmediately wake up and continue to knead for me until dawn; remember that whenI was a child, every time I was lying in the bathtub, you would help me to rubthe bath; remember that when my dirty clothes were thrown around, you wouldsilently pick up the clothes on the ground and clean them for me; I stillremember when you were a kid, you blew my legs in order to send me to learn thepiano, and you often hurt in the winter when riding a motorcycle. I stillremember that you often ran around for work, and your hair turned white. I stillremember that you got up at the earliest time every morning to buy food for mymother and me, so that my mother and I would wake up and see all kinds ofbreakfast on the table; I remember when I was sad for school, you always said,"it's OK, and Dad!"